Lowell H. Byarlay (Obituary ~ 11/06/07)
March 17, 1928 - Nov. 4, 2007 OBERLIN -- Lowell H. Byarlay, 79, died Sunday (Nov. 4, 2007) at his home in Oberlin. He was born March 17, 1928, in Riley County, Kan., to Alfred and Lillie (Deptmer) Byarlay. He grew up in Green, Kan., and attended grade school and high school in Green. He then attended Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kan... -
Ray E. Henry (Obituary ~ 11/06/07)
April 30, 1924 - Nov. 4, 2007 Ray E. Henry passed away on Nov. 4, 2007, at the Great Plains Medical Center in North Platte. He was 83 years old. Ray was born on April 30, 1924, at Arnold to Ira M. and Alveda (Anderson) Henry. He was a ranch foreman for the Starr Ranch at Stapleton and Swift Ranch at Thedford. In 1962, he moved to North Platte where he became a carpenter working for Dowhower Construction. He later went into business for himself.  ... -
L. Ray Creighton
(Obituary ~ 11/06/07)
Oct. 12, 1926 - Sept. 22, 2007 HILLSBORO, Ill. -- L. Ray Creighton, 80, formerly of Trenton died Sept. 22, 2007, at his home in Hillsboro, Ill. He was born Oct. 12, 1926, in Franklin to G. Ray and Dorothy (Gettle) Creighton. He grew up in Holdrege and Trenton...
Roger Royal Ihrig
(Obituary ~ 11/06/07)
Jan. 7, 1957-Nov. 2, 2007 LINCOLN -- Roger Royal Ihrig, 50, died Friday (Nov. 2, 2007) at Bryan LGH Hospital in Lincoln. He was born Jan. 7, 1957, at Nebraska City, to Robert Carl and Dora Mae (Tines) Ihrig. He was raised in McCook, attending St. Patrick's School and McCook High School...
Ag lab loan gets OK from county
(Local News ~ 11/06/07)
Red Willow County commissioners unanimously approved a revolving fund loan application Monday morning that will allow the continuation of local ownership of an agricultural lab in downtown McCook. Rex Nelson, executive director of McCook Economic Development Corp., which oversees the county's CDBG revolving loan fund, told commissioners at their weekly meeting Monday morning that the loan application from Kevin and Christine Grooms, to help them purchase Olson's Lab from Bob and Connie Olson, indicates "good, sound financials." The Olsons have owned and operated the lab since 1976, and are planning their retirement.. ...
Commissioners support regional jail, juvenile center
(Local News ~ 11/06/07)
Red Willow County commissioners supported the concept of a regional jail with an attached juvenile detention center being proposed in Lincoln County. Norbert Liebig of North Platte told commissioners that Lincoln County is proposing to build a 168 adult-bed jail, and is investigating the need to attach a 30-40-bed juvenile facility. Liebig said he would like to see 25 to 30 counties express a need for and possible use of a juvenile facility...
Quarter-final victory (Local News ~ 11/06/07)
McCook's Tyler Brown, above right, takes on Hastings High School's Brett Herbek in Class B quarter-final action Monday night in McCook. Bison coach Jeff Gross, right, goes over details following the 40-7 victory. McCook hosts Cozad at 6 p.m. Saturday at Weiland Field. ... -
Songwriter to be featured at 'An Evening for Hospice'
(Local News ~ 11/06/07)
By DAWN CRIBBS Associate Editor The ninth annual "An Evening for Hospice" promises to be a night filled with memories Sunday at the Republican River Valley Event Center in McCook. With a musical message offered by Karen Tayor-Good, hospice supporters, volunteers and staff will be encouraged to carry on the oftentimes heartbreaking roles of hospice...
Council takes potshots at price of police vehicle
(Local News ~ 11/06/07)
A bid for a new police vehicle came under fire as too expensive, but in the end, the vehicle was approved by the McCook City Council by a 3-2 vote. Voting against the purchase were Councilmen Aaron Kircher and Lonnie Anderson, with Mayor Dennis Berry and council members Colleen Grant and Jack Rogers voting in favor...
New keno ordinance advances
(Local News ~ 11/06/07)
Keno equipment used in McCook is nothing like the old machines used at another keno outlet in Nebraska, when employees there were accused of tampering with, the McCook City Council was told Monday night. A detailed description of the differences between the two machines was enough to sway at least one council member, and by a 5-4 vote, the council approved on its first reading an amended ordinance that will allow keno sale outlet owners and its employees to play the game after work hours at the establishment.. ...
Voters should support existing, extra city sales tax
(Editorial ~ 11/06/07)
Let's face it -- nobody likes taxes, unless somebody else is paying them. But taxes are the price we pay for living in our unique and privileged country. The question, then, comes down to how much money should we pay for what governmental services, who should pay them, and how they should be collected...
Zodiacal light may wait until spring
(Column ~ 11/06/07)
I still haven't seen the Zodiacal Light, I may have to wait until the spring equinox when this elusive sight is best searched for during the evening. (As I have said before, I am not a morning astronomer.) I have, however, seen Comet 17/P Holmes. It is easy to see in the evening sky near Mirfak, the brightest star in the constellation Perseus. ...
Half-baked opinion
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/06/07)
Your recent editorial on ending daylight saving time was somewhat less than persuasive. You wrote that because "not everyone is happy" the system should therefore be scrapped entirely. You included "the airline industry" and "old codgers" among those who you said objected to the "abrupt change" while failing to explain why the rest of us should happily march in sync with those groups...
A 'Berry good night' for the Bison
(High School Sports ~ 11/06/07)
McCook junior quarterback runs for six TDs, 219 yards as McCook reaches state semifinals The Hastings Tigers got a lethal dose of McCook High School junior quarterback Matt Berry and it was fatal enough to end their season. Berry scored all six of McCook's touchdowns in a 40-7 victory in Monday night's Nebraska Class B quarterfinal game at Weiland Field...