Goltl-less McCook Bison squad could be challenged by Ogallala
(High School Sports ~ 09/06/07)
The Ogallala Indians could be a challenge for the McCook Bison Friday night at Ogallala even with junior Dillon Goltl in the lineup. Kickoff at Ogallala is 8 p.m. central time/7 p.m. mountain time. But the Bison, 1-0 after pounding Scottsbluff 44-0 in last week's season opener, will be without the speedy Goltl for the rest of the season...
MCC spikers take three from Southeast
(College Sports ~ 09/06/07)
The McCook Community College volleyball team outlasted Southeast CC-Beatrice in five games Wednesday night at True Hall Gymnasium. The Indians defeated the Bruins 33-35, 30-28, 27-30, 30-24, 15-12 and improved to 3-5. MCC won just three matches in 2006 and finished 3-41...
Area schedule for Sept. 6-9
(High School Sports ~ 09/06/07)
Football Thursday, Sept. 6 -- North Platte Blue at McCook freshman. Friday, Sept. 7 -- McCook at Ogallala, Southwest at Southern Valley, Eustis-Farnam at Maxwell, Arapahoe at Dundy County, Oakley at Rawlins County, Franklin at Cambridge, Wheatland-Grinnell at Cheylin, Hitchcock County at Hayes Center, Paxton at Maywood, Medicine Valley at Wauneta-Palisade, St. Francis at Goodland...
Mary Ann Fahrenbruch (Obituary ~ 09/06/07)
May 22, 1952 - Sept. 3, 2007 DENVER, Colo. -- Mary Ann Fahrenbruch died Monday, Sept. 3, 2007, at University of Colorado Hospital in Denver, Colo., at the age of 55. She was born May 22, 1952, in McCook, the daughter of Hazel Schilz. She grew up in the Culbertson Community where she graduated from Culbertson High School in 1970, and also graduated from McCook Junior College... -
Corder birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/06/07)
The family of Dale T. Corder of McCook is hosting a card shower in honor of his 85th birthday on Sept. 9. His children are Gary and Sharon Corder of Olathe, Kan., and Larry and Pam Corder of Kearney. He has two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach him at 7130 West 70th St. Kearney, NE 68845... -
Ryan Christopher Ridlen (Obituary ~ 09/06/07)
March 28, 1990-Aug. 28, 2007 PALISADE -- Ryan Christopher Ridlen, age 17, died Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2007, from injuries sustained from an auto accident in Hayes County. Ryan was born in Aurora, Colo., on March 28, 1990, to Steven Dale and Alicia Ann (Burdick) Ridlen. He was attending Hayes Center High School where he was a member of the Senior Class... -
Energy independence worth the cost of encouraging ethanol
(Local News ~ 09/06/07)
There really aren't any surprises in a study that indicates the ethanol boom won't last forever. Released as Congress hashes out details of a new energy bill, the study by David Peters, an agricultural economist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, indicates that ethanol plants will need help from Washington to keep from going belly up in a few years...
Why no anthem?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/06/07)
On Tuesday night I attended the McCook-Holdrege football game. I was very impressed with the Junior varsity team and the teamwork they displayed. I was not pleased with myself or any of the fans in attendance at the game. Prior to the game starting I noticed that the American flag was not flying on the flag pole at the East end of the stadium. ...
Groundwater cuts alone won't work
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/06/07)
The water issue in the Republican River Basin has become an emotionally-charged issue, but we cannot afford to let emotions and misinformation dictate what needs to be a scientifically and economically sound water policy. The article about the hearing held by the Middle Republican Natural Resources District (MRNRD) on Aug. 30, contained some misinformation and all citizens of Nebraska deserve to know the facts...
Season concert tickets on sale
(Local News ~ 09/06/07)
Season tickets for the McCook Community Concert Association concerts are available now through Sept. 22, with concerts ranging from classical music to show tunes and cowboy ballads. The McCook Community Concert Association will offer a series of four concerts this year of world-class entertainment, all performed at the historic Fox Theater...
Hardy crop (Local News ~ 09/06/07)
A thunderhead builds behind milo growing near Hayes Center. Drought resistance is the biggest reason producers on the Golden Plains grow milo, a native South African grass first introduced in the United States in the late nineteenth century, according to retired producer/elevator operator Wayne Allen of rural McCook. ...