Will Kelley Park land go to college?
(Local News ~ 03/04/06)
Council members will consider whether to give land located in Kelley Park to McCook Community College for their proposed 47,000 square feet Event Center, at their regular council meeting 7:30 Monday night at City Council Chambers. The area the college is requesting would encompass the current tennis courts, the parking lot and access road north of the tennis courts, and all of the property between Bolles Canyon Road and Kelley Park Road...
Ruling only complicates Class I issue
(Editorial ~ 03/04/06)
The Class I saga continues. Friday, the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled that a judge was wrong to suspend a state law that calls for the smallest schools to merge with larger districts. The ruling overturns a restraining order from a Lancaster County judge the prevented the implementation of LB126, which was passed over Gov. Dave Heineman's veto, requiring all elementary-only, or Class I schools to merge with larger, K-12 districts by June 15...
What kind of man do women want?
(Column ~ 03/04/06)
I wrote a column a few weeks ago about what kind of women men want when seeking a long-term relationship that drew several comments from readers. This came up again in the coed sexuality class I'm teaching at MCC a few days ago but this time the subject was reversed. What kind of men do women want in a long-term relationship and the answers were mixed. It was not surprising, however, because I've encountered the same paradox in my own relationship experiences...
Irene Ayers
(Obituary ~ 03/04/06)
Sept. 22, 1906--March 2, 2006 OBERLIN -- Irene Ayers, 99, died Friday (March 3, 2006) at the Decatur County Hospital. She was born Sept. 22, 1906, in Decatur County to Henry E. Counter and Letticia Ann Montgomery. She graduated from Decatur County High School in 1925...
Stone, Nelms marriage celebration (Wedding ~ 03/04/06)
KEARNEY -- Christina (Stone) and Tim Nelms, both of Kansas City, Kan., announce a marriage celebration Saturday, April 1, 2006, at the First Lutheran Church in Kearney. The couple was married Saturday, Aug. 21, 2004, due to the bridegroom's service as a convoy escort with the U.S. Army Reserve as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom... -
Sherman, Moorhous wedding (Wedding ~ 03/04/06)
DEADWOOD, S.D. -- Mary Darlene Sherman and Michael Ray Moorhous were united in marriage Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006, in Deadwood, S.D. Parents of the couple are Gerald and Sandra Long of Torrington, Wyo., and Don and Thelma Moorhous of Culbertson. The bride is employed at Campbell County High School and the bridegroom is an engineer with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad... -
Cumming anniversary (Anniversary ~ 03/04/06)
The family of Ron and Vera Cumming is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary. They were married March 9, 1946. Their family includes children, Tom and wife, Kathy of Highlands Park, Colo., Rhonda and husband, Bill of Kearney, Rick and friend, Deb of Danbury and Scott and wife, Sue of Kansas City, Mo.; 10 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach them at PO Box 114, Danbury, NE 69026... -
Junker birth (Births ~ 03/04/06)
David and Carrie Junker of Omaha announce the birth of a son, Benjamin David, on Sunday, Jan. 15, 2006, at Bergen Mercy Hospital in Omaha. He weighed 7 pounds and was 20 inches long. Grandparents are Bob and Becky Junker of Grand Island and Ty and Pat Wagner of Culbertson. Great-grandparents are Irvin and Marge Junker of Fairbury, Jim and Ann Frazier of Cozad, Walter and Enid Zapp of McCook and Wag and Patty Wagner of Culbertson... -
Eldridge, Farr engagement (Engagement ~ 03/04/06)
Joy Eldridge of Oberlin and Mike Farr of McCook announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are of Oberlin, parents of the prospective bridegroom are of McCook. The bride-to-be is a senior at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, majoring in language arts. The prospective bridegroom is the head cook at the Looking Glass in McCook. The ceremony is planned for Saturday, June 10, 2006, at their home outside of Culbertson... -
Lawson anniversary (Anniversary ~ 03/04/06)
The family of Lonnie and Cindy Lawson is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 25th wedding anniversary. They were married March 7, 1981. Their family includes children Tyler and Lindsey Lawson of McCook. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 311 Apache Drive, McCook, NE 69001... -
Nielsen birth (Births ~ 03/04/06)
Matt and Angie Nielsen announce the birth of a daughter, Abigail, on Friday, Feb. 10, 2006. She weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 21 1/2 inches long. She has a brother, Isaac. Grandparents are Gary and Pat Nielsen and Gregg and Shannon Pevoteaux, all of McCook. Great-grandparents are Nadine Cross of Boone, Iowa, and Gordon and Gladys Moritz of Norfolk... -
Minary birth (Births ~ 03/04/06)
Monica and Tim Minary announce the birth of a daughter, Alyssa Reese, on Friday, Feb. 24, 2006, at Community Hospital of McCook. She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 20 inches long. She has a sister, Ashlynn, 2. Grandparents are Brenda Nelson Kendall of Hagerman, Idaho, the late Evan McCartney, Mary and Tim Williams of Cambridge and Roger and Karen Minary of North Platte. Great-grandparents are Phyllis and Byron McCartney of Oberlin and Dorothy Minary of McCook... -
Palmer, Wheelbarger engagement (Engagement ~ 03/04/06)
Doug and Mary Palmer of Wilsonville, Don Wheelbarger of McCook and Kelly Brown of Atwood announce the engagement of their children, Ashley Nicole Palmer and Ryan Erik Wheelbarger. The bride-to-be is a 2005 graduate of Cambridge High School and is attending McCook Community College. ...