Nickerson to pole vault at S. Dakota; MHS' Chmiel to play golf for MCC (College Sports ~ 04/19/05)
Two area athletes signed letters of intent to compete in their respective sports at the collegiate level next season. Cambridge senior Kaci Nickerson inked a track letter of intent with the University of South Dakota (Vermillion, S.D.), where she will specialize in the pole vault... -
Cambridge boys track team blisters the pack at Medicine Valley meet
(High School Sports ~ 04/19/05)
ARAPAHOE -- The Cambridge boys track team ran away from the field to win the team title at the Medicine Valley Invitational Saturday. Cambridge scored 176 points. Dundy County was a distant second with 72 points, followed by Arapahoe 65, the McCook junior varsity 53, Maywood 49, Eustis-Farnam 49, Hitchcock County 26, Medicine Valley 21 and Southwest 18...
Tuesday sports shorts 4-19-2005: Red Crush volleyball; Med Valley golfers; Oberlin golf tourney
(High School Sports ~ 04/19/05)
Red Crush Seniors place 2nd at GI Spring Spike Fest GRAND ISLAND -- The McCook Red Crush Seniors volleyball team captured the silver medal in the Gold Division at the recent Grand Island Spring Spike Fest. The Seniors faced the Quad Co. 17 Gold, Platte Valley Juniors and Sparx Mustang Volleyball, in pool play and scored the most points of all teams at 4-2 set placing them in the Gold Bracket in the tournament...
Family Fun set for the airport
(Editorial ~ 04/19/05)
At the McCook Home & Builders Show in February, a surprising number of people told the marketing committee for the McCook Regional Airport, "I didn't even know McCook had airline service." But -- thanks to an aggressive marketing campaign -- that perception is changing quickly...
Don't repeal helmet law
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/19/05)
Recently, Sen. Baker addressed the McCook Chamber of Commerce discussing the upcoming debate on the repeal of Nebraska's successful motorcycle helmet law. The Senator, like many people across the state, has been led to believe that the law is ineffective, that somehow Nebraska's record of fatalities and injuries was somehow twice that of Iowa's, that the LB contains a training provision that will offset any expected increase in fatalities, and that somehow repeal will be "good" for Nebraska citizens, employers, and tourism.. ...
City Council approves master plan for recreational trail
(Local News ~ 04/19/05)
Despite one McCook resident's arguments against it, the McCook City Council agreed unanimously Monday night to fund $12,000 worth of improvements to the city's existing walking trail. Reading from a written statement, Richard Drake of McCook told the council he attended the meeting to protest the excessive cost of the proposed trail...
Meals on Wheels -- Volunteers provide vital service to shut-ins (Features ~ 04/19/05)
Walk into the kitchen at the Heritage Senior Center at 10:45 in the morning and stand back. The crew, laughing and sharing tall tales, is busy assembling the 85 meals needed for this day's home delivered meals routes. There are at least eight routes a day... -
Leonard V. Wheeler
(Obituary ~ 04/19/05)
Sept. 4, 1954-April 18, 2005 Leonard V. Wheeler, 50, died Monday (April 18, 2005) at his home in Beaver City. He was born Sept. 4, 1954, in Thomas, Okla., to Ernest and Geneva (Kershner) Wheeler. He grew up in Oklahoma and graduated from high school in Colorado...
Nadeen Allen (Obituary ~ 04/19/05)
July 16, 1932-April 17, 2005 Nadeen Elizabeth Allen, age 72, died Sunday (April 17, 2005) at Memorial Community Care in Aurora. She was born July 16, 1932 to Guy and Ruth (Rickard) Warren in Indianola. She graduated from Indianola High School. After high school, she completed the courses necessary to become a school teacher. Later, she took courses to complete her nurses aide training... -
Fannie Barber (Obituary ~ 04/19/05)
March 22, 1904-April 18, 2005 Fannie Barber, 101, died Monday (April 18, 2005) at the home of her daughter, Lois, in Lincoln. She was born March 22, 1904, in Cedar Bluffs, Kan., to Charles and Dorothea (Greve) Duckworth. Her family lived at St. Francis, and Wymore and Shubert before moving back to Indianola. She graduated from Indianola High School in 1922, attended college in Boulder, Colo., and taught school at Danbury and at District 42 north of Indianola...