'Fiddler' opens tonight (Local News ~ 03/17/05)
The Southwest Nebraska Community Theater Association (SWNCTA) has brought "Fiddler on the Roof" to the McCook High School stage today through March 20. Shows are at 7:30 p.m. tonight through Saturday with a 2 p.m. matinee Sunday. The qualities that have made this show one of the most beloved American musicals around the world, also make it an important and stimulating work for everyone to study and observe. ... -
Annual Lions sale (Local News ~ 03/17/05)
The wind blew, and blew, and blew ... but it didn't seem to discourage buyers at the annual Holbrook Lions Club sale Saturday. Auctioneers sold in six rings throughout the day, selling everything from big farm trucks to little toy trucks. Lions member Karla Warner reported this morning that the sale grossed $217,000. Auctioneers sold items for 306 consignors and sale clerks passed out 962 bidder numbers... -
Baker: Fuel pricing inexcusable
(Local News ~ 03/17/05)
The current trend by most gasoline retailers to charge the same price for fuel blended with ethanol as they charge for unleaded fuel is inexcusable, Nebraska Sen. Tom Baker said this morning. Baker was discussing the state's ethanol incentive program during his regular Thursday morning conference call with the McCook Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee...
Established order
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/17/05)
Dear Editor, Connie Jo Discoe's article on us weedy Rawlins County farmers told the world what we have lived with all our lives. However, now hear this. King James Biblical Record, Genesis Chapter 3, Verses 18 and 19 read: Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shall eat the herb of the field...
Americans find much to admire
(Editorial ~ 03/17/05)
Will the real St. Patrick stand up?
Laying down the law
(Column ~ 03/17/05)
For the last four years, I've been writing an annual story about area lake levels. This year, I took my son with me to take a few pictures and check on how things were looking. It seems Jeremy has already developed fishing fever. Everywhere we drove, Jer was checking the best way to get his pole to the lake. Brad's also been exhibiting some of the classic symptoms of fishing fever...