First day of fall sports practice at McCook High School (High School Sports ~ 08/16/04)
Wilma F. Benjamin
(Obituary ~ 08/16/04)
March 7, 1908-Aug. 13, 2004 Wilma F. Benjamin, 96, died Friday (Aug. 13, 2004) at Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook. She was born March 7, 1908, to William P. and Bessie B. (Endsley) Broomfield in Red Willow County. She grew up in Red Willow County and graduated from Red Willow High School in 1924...
Balderston birth (Births ~ 08/16/04)
Travis and Colette (Minson) Balderston of McCook announce the birth of a daughter, Rylie Rae Balderston, Sunday (July 11, 2004) at Community Hospital of McCook. She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. She has two sisters, Desarae, 6, and Ashlyn, 3. ... -
Ware anniversary (Anniversary ~ 08/16/04)
Brad and Kim Ware, formerly of McCook, will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary Aug. 18. Their children are Kaylee, Korey and Kolten. They live in Gettysburg, S.D. -
Fun in Indianola (Local News ~ 08/16/04)
Elvis is alive and well, and scooping poop in Indianola. Elvis (aka Travis Herrman of Indianola) and other Old Settlers organizers brought up the rear of the 2004 Old Settlers Celebration parade Saturday morning, cleaning up the street after the horses. ... -
J.T. Harris -- McCook's Man from Alabama
(Column ~ 08/16/04)
EDITOR'S NOTE -- This is the second installment in honor of the Suess/Harris family, which ends more than 100 years of business presence in McCook with the closure of the Lots to Love Corp. John T. Harris was born on a farm outside Opelika, Ala., and graduated from what is now known as Auburn University...
Event offers cell phone users a chance to talk
(Editorial ~ 08/16/04)
You've seen cell phone tantrums on television. And, more than likely, you have witnessed them in real life. Because, in the still early days of wireless telephone development, the art and science of cell service is still very much a work in progress...
Not too late
(Letter to the Editor ~ 08/16/04)
**Dear Editor, I'd like to reply to my detractors concerning their vain attempts to besmirch my credibility. First, my life does not revolve around my bank account. My life revolves around Jesus Christ, He never changes and He never fails me or forsakes me. All I need to do is pray, and He comes through for me every time. If your god is money, Donald, you will never have enough. I almost tried being open minded once, but I don't want MY brain to fall out...