MNB Seniors reach Area 6 final (Community Sports ~ 07/23/04)
Beckenhauer's shutout lifts McCook squad HOLDREGE -- Leaning upon another dynamic district performance from pitcher Matt Beckenhauer, the McCook National Bank Seniors defeated Holdrege 2-0 to advance to the finals of the Class B Area 6 District American Legion baseball tournament... -
Steelers, Cowboys claim MFL titles (Community Sports ~ 07/23/04)
The Steelers and the Cowboys are the McCook Football League champions for the 2004 summer season. The Steelers captured the 5th/6th grade title and the Cowboys claimed the 7th/8th grade division. Both teams posted 2-1 records. The Steelers, Chiefs and Colts all posted 2-1 marks in the 5th/6th division, but the Steelers won because of a plus-20 in the points system... -
Robert L. Hornkohl
(Obituary ~ 07/23/04)
Nov. 21, 1955-July 21, 2004 KEARNEY -- Robert Lee Hornkohl, 48, died Wednesday (July 21, 2004) at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney. He was born Nov. 21, 1955, to Harold and Ramona (Soderlund) Hornkohl in Oberlin. He grew up in Marion and graduated from Lebanon High School in 1974...
Carl D. Hanes
(Obituary ~ 07/23/04)
April 10, 1925-July 21, 2004 TRENTON -- Carl Douglas Hanes, 79, died Wednesday (July 21, 2004) at his home in Trenton. He was born April 10, 1925, to George M. and Mary Alice (Matney) Hanes in St. Francis. He grew up in the Parks and Haigler communities, where he received his education...
Sure do wish Gene Kelly was still here
(Editorial ~ 07/23/04)
Sure do wish Gene Kelly was still around. We need him in Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas to lead us in a rousing rendition of "Singin' in the Rain." In a change that borders on the miraculous, steady soaking July rains have transformed this area's grainlands from withering patches of wheat to tall, lush fields of great-looking corn, milo and soybeans...
Entering the world of $3,000 bikes
(Column ~ 07/23/04)
The McCook sporting world is moving into the next level with Saturday's sprint triathlon, hosted by the YMCA. To complete the event, several dozen participants will swim, bike and run for more than hour, or in my terms, dog paddle, coast and walk for two hours...