Tax survey in error
(Local News ~ 01/13/04)
McCook taxes are actually 12th in state.
Local taxes not really the highest
(Editorial ~ 01/13/04)
What a difference a decimal point makes! Just ask McCook, where citizens were embarrassed and angered to hear Sunday and Monday that the city's tax levy is the highest in the state. Turns out, the report was wrong. Very wrong. "This is not right," Red Willow County Treasurer Marleen Garcia said Monday after hearing on the radio and reading in the Gazette that McCook's property tax was $2.43 per $100 of property valuation. ...
Why 'Y' elevator
(Letter to the Editor ~ 01/13/04)
**Dear Editor, I find it amusing that the headline story was about the installation of an elevator in a building that is generally a fitness-oriented establishment. Personally if I had been the writer, the effort to keep my tongue out-of-cheek would have been impossible...
Money for Mars?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 01/13/04)
**Dear Editor, I see in the paper our state senator wants to double speeding fines. This to make us safer? Well guys, not once in 30 years of driving has a speeder ever endangered my family on the road. They just fly by and go their merry way, unlike the real terrorists of Nebraska. Deer cause 5,000 car crashed a year in this state...
Citizen soldiers answer country's call to duty (Local News ~ 01/13/04)
Just over a month after welcoming her husband home from deployment, Cathy Reicks had to say goodbye to her son. Nate Reicks, along with 30 other soldiers from the McCook division of the Nebraska National Guard, reported for duty this morning. To honor the soldiers and their families, the National Guard hosted a sendoff Monday evening... -
McCook Bison swimmers, divers set personal best times
(High School Sports ~ 01/13/04)
GRAND ISLAND -- The McCook Bison swimming and diving teams competed in a double dual Friday at Grand Island with North Platte and McCook. Several swimmers improved their personal best times considerably, said coach Tracy Flaska. Ryan Ankersen dropped 20 seconds in the 200 free, while dropping 10 seconds in the 100 breaststroke...
New school hires former Twin Valley administrator
(Local News ~ 01/13/04)
BARTLEY -- Board members of the new Southwest Public Schools offered a two-year contract to the superintendent of the former Twin Valley schools during its regular meeting Monday in Bartley. Board president Duane Teter said the proposed contract with Mark Norvell of Bartley is subject to negotiation until Jan. 26...