MCC baseball team opens Region IX play against WNCC
(High School Sports ~ 05/08/03)
LAMAMR, Colo. -- The McCook Community College Indians, 6-34 overall, played Western Nebraska at noon today in the first round of the Region IX Baseball Tournament in Lamar, Colo. The Indians haven't had a lot of luck against the Cougars this season, said head coach Ryan Jones...
Provider Day
(Column ~ 05/08/03)
Dear Editor, Friday, May 9, is being observed nationally (and locally) as Provider Appreciation Day. This is a special day to recognize child care providers, teachers, and educators of young children. Started in 1996, Provider Appreciation Day is appropriately celebrated each year on the Friday before Mother's Day. The event recognizes the tireless efforts of providers who care for children of working parents...
Bush courts Nelson vote
(Column ~ 05/08/03)
High-level economic theory is hard to understand. That thought comes to mind because of President Bush's upcoming visit to Nebraska. While he is in Omaha Monday, the president will be trying to convince citizens of the value of slashing federal income taxes by $550 billion over the next 10 years...
85th birthday
(Birthdays ~ 05/08/03)
A card shower is requested to honor Verna Brehm on her 85th birthday, May 8, 2003. Cards of congratulations will reach her at Box 82, Culbertson, NE 69024.
Moving day
(Local News ~ 05/08/03)
The two-story yellow house across the street west of St. Patrick's School, at 610 E. Third in McCook, moved across town and onto a new basement at 402 East 14th Wednesday. Raymond Gronewald of G Movers, Farnam, maneuvers the house around the corner at East Third and E. ...
'Cycle show
(Local News ~ 05/08/03)
Gary Walter of Oberlin wanders among the motorcycles on display during the Republican River Riders' show Sunday. Riders also are encouraged to show their motorcycles during the Ray Moffitt Memorial Car Show Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., in Barnett Park south of McCook. Trophies will be presented to the top two motorcycles...
Morrisons make McCook full-time home (Local News ~ 05/08/03)
Former Gov. Frank Morrison and his wife Maxine have finally returned home. The decision to return to McCook full-time was an easy one. "It's like coming home," Maxine said. "The whole world is my home," said Frank. "But there's a certain sentimental value to McCook because all our children were born here. Our oldest grandson was born here and our oldest daughter-in-law. There's a family connection from that stand point that exists no place else."... -
Budget dominates lawmakers' time
(Local News ~ 05/08/03)
The state budget continues to dominate the legislative floor in Lincoln and the talks keep getting tougher, Nebraska Sen. Tom Baker said during his weekly conference call this morning. One area where Baker is feeling the pressure is in proposed cuts to K-12 education. "I'm torn between taxpayers who say 'don't increase taxes' and school administrators who say 'don't cut funding.' I'm in a no-win situation," he said...
Batter up!
(High School Sports ~ 05/08/03)
Courtesy photo/Cheryl Collins McCook Community College pitcher and first baseman Taylor Quigley takes some batting practice with the help of his catcher and grandmother, Millie Housley of McCook. Housley, who will be 76 on Saturday, coached and played baseball in her younger years. ...
Voters can always limit terms (Column ~ 05/08/03)
Believe it or not, the Nebraska Legislature has done something I'm going to throw my support behind. The group of lawmakers have advanced a bill that would allow voters to go back to the polls and decide whether they really want to impose term limits on our representatives in Lincoln... -
Merna Shearer Haught
(Obituary ~ 05/08/03)
WILSONVILLE -- Merna Shearer Haught, 67, died Tuesday (May 6, 2003) at her home in Wilsonville. She was born Jan. 1, 1936, at Hendley, to Frank and Ruth (Harrold) Brand. She grew up in the Hendley and Beaver City areas. She graduated from Beaver City High School with the Class of 1953...
Benjamin Frank
(Obituary ~ 05/08/03)
Benjamin Frank, 90, died Monday (May 5, 2003) at Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook. He was born Jan. 13, 1913, in McCook, to Casper and Katherine E. Frank. He grew up in McCook and attended McCook High School. In 1937, he began flying as a commercial pilot...
Dina Doyle
(Obituary ~ 05/08/03)
Dina Doyle, recently of Longmont, Colo., formerly of McCook, passed away at Longmont United Hospital on Monday (May 5, 2003). She was born in McCook on Oct. 2, 19 (that's Dina's business), to Robert E. and Ina P. (Askey) McDonald. Dina lived in McCook most of her life and was a member of First Christian Church, Eureka Chapter No. ...
Elva Rose Knosp
(Obituary ~ 05/08/03)
Elva Rose Knosp, 89, died today (May 8, 2003) at Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook. She was born Sept. 27, 1913, at Culbertson, to Samuel L. and Myrtle E. (Richardson) Hollars. She grew up in McCook where she received her education. In 1933, she married Charles Koetter at Oberlin. She was employed in food service at St. Catherine's Hospital and later in the McCook School System, retiring in 1973...