Revenue, appropriations in standoff (Local News ~ 03/20/03)
A standoff between the appropriations committee and the revenue committee in the Nebraska Legislature will have to be decided before any decisions can be made on the state budget. "(The revenue committee) is waiting for appropriations to make cuts and appropriations is waiting for a tax bill," Nebraska Sen. Tom Baker told members of the McCook Chamber of Commerce Committee this morning... -
Enforce 1,000 feet
(Column ~ 03/20/03)
I've got a problem with these guys making meth within 1,000 feet of schools and then bargaining out of (prosecution for) it. To me, that's pretty serious. That ought to be utmost on (prosecutors') list, rather than letting these guys get away with that for ratting out on other people. Too many people are getting out of this. If they're going to have the 1,000 foot rule, they should enforce it...
White House writer?
(Column ~ 03/20/03)
The editorial of the Tuesday Gazette read like it was produced in the White House. Very original.
Only choice
(Column ~ 03/20/03)
Four congressional delegates support the president? What a surprise? Like what else would they do, they wouldn't dare dissent.
Be good stewards
(Column ~ 03/20/03)
I might consider voting for the sales tax extension/increase if our council could commit to paying the present bills before incurring new ones. Pay back the money lost on the Air Base fiasco before any capital improvements or even maintenance that is not absolutely necessary is funded...
Be informed
(Column ~ 03/20/03)
Dear Editor, For those interested in the Twin Valley-Republican Valley merger, I believe you should check one statement Crinda McConville made in the Southwest (Nebraska) News. She says you will end up paying the same amount whether you build in Bartley or go to Cambridge. ...
Writing on wall
(Column ~ 03/20/03)
Dear Editor, The handwriting is on the wall. There are fewer farms every year. Young families with children will not move here from the cities without jobs. You can juggle the numbers all day long, but our school enrollment is going to continue to shrink...
Please write
(Column ~ 03/20/03)
Dear Editor, Hi! My name is Hope Miller and I'm a fifth grade student of West Ridge Elementary School in Harlan, Iowa. Our class is studying geography and history of the United States. The fifth grade is doing a report on the 50 states and we would greatly appreciate it if you would send us a souvenir, postcard or brochures about your state so we can learn more about our country...
Send a card
(Column ~ 03/20/03)
Dear Editor, I am a retired teacher living in Anderson, Indiana. Since retirement I have collected picture postcards of American cities and towns, particularly those cards which depict somewhat full views of the city or town. I am seeking cards of McCook, and am hoping that you will print my letter, and that some kind reader will send me such cards or be willing to exchange cards. I shall be most grateful for all responses...
Good support
(Column ~ 03/20/03)
Dear Editor, This letter is sent with thanks to the volunteers and supporters of the American Cancer Society's 2003 Daffodil Days. The Red Willow County volunteers who worked on advance sales, promotion and coordination of the event continually prove their commitment in the fight against this disease. The generosity of Red Willow County residents was outstanding...
Itch, scratch
(Column ~ 03/20/03)
Dear Editor, War has started Ever get an itch you can't scratch? I got one. Sure seems like a lot of men, planes and bombs for getting one man -- we got Yamamoto with P-38s and a burst of 50-caliber machine gun fire. It sure seems like one man one bullet would be easier. Think there are mountains of stuff we ain't being told? Trust is hard to come by when we've been lied to so many times by the "G" men...
Moment of Truth for America
(Column ~ 03/20/03)
Disagree as we might about the decisions leading up to the war, there should be little disagreement about the need to support the men and women in our U.S. military who are carrying out the orders of their commander-in-chief. War is always a rapidly changing, confusing situation, but we hope today's special edition "The Moment of Truth," provides background information you will find useful as the campaign unfolds. ...
Spaghetti supper
(Local News ~ 03/20/03)
Sandy Brown (left) and Gayle Thorne stir a boiling pot of water in preparation for the "Bingo and Spaghetti Dinner" Sunday at Heritage Senior Center in McCook. The dinner is sponsored by McCook National Bank, with proceeds earmarked for equipment and furnishings after the center's expansion project. ...
Perlman's strategy: Avoid mediocrity
(Local News ~ 03/20/03)
University of Nebraska Chancellor Harvey S. Perlman was in town Wednesday night to gather input and support for his proposed cuts to the university system. Instead of looking at a 10 percent decrease across the board for the system, Perlman is looking at vertical cuts. Cutting entire programs instead of taking money away from each program will keep the college from turning into a mediocre college, he told the group...
We have to bite the bullet (Column ~ 03/20/03)
During a meeting with UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman Thursday night, the state budget situation began to make a little more sense to me. I've always believed it would be necessary to raise taxes, but until attending the meeting, I didn't exactly support the idea... -
Charles L. Nealeigh
(Obituary ~ 03/20/03)
TRENTON -- Charles L. Nealeigh, 91, died Wednesday (March 19, 2003) at the El Dorado Manor in Trenton. He was born Nov. 29, 1911, in Hitchcock County, to William and Amy (Perkins) Nealeigh. He grew up in the Cornell Community where he graduated from rural school...
Laura Elizabeth Huxoll
(Obituary ~ 03/20/03)
ARAPAHOE -- Laura Elizabeth Huxoll, 98, died Tuesday (March 18, 2003) at Phelps Memorial Health Center in Holdrege. She was born Dec. 23, 1904, south of Arapahoe, to Henry and Maudie (Trunnell) Koeteman. On Dec. 19, 1923, she married Fred W. Huxoll in Norton, Kan. They lived on a farm near the Muddy Creed in Furnas County. They purchased their home south of Holbrook. She moved to the Sunshine Village in Arapahoe in August of 1984. In 1992, she moved to the C.A. Mues Good Samaritan Center...