Shuttle disaster tempers banquet for McCook Chamber of Commerce
(Local News ~ 02/03/03)
The festivities of the McCook Chamber of Commerce Banquet were slightly tempered, Saturday evening, by the news of the tragedy of the space shuttle Columbia. Cal Siegfried, master of ceremonies began the evening by mentioning the name of each astronaut lost in the Saturday morning catastrophe...
Fresh information makes difference
(Column ~ 02/03/03)
"You've got a great community," Nebraska Public Power District official Brian Vasa told a group of business leaders at a Friday luncheon. If the group seemed grateful, it wasn't just because of the delicious meal served by the Country Steak Buffet. It was because Vasa and NPPD colleague Rick J. Nelson were ready to present the latest Industrial Facts Book featuring the McCook area as its star...
Watch for enemy
(Column ~ 02/03/03)
Dear Editor, My fellow Americans: Exactly where is the enemy? Out there, somewhere. I possibly saw an enemy at Kelley Park yesterday. Or, it might have been a tree. If it was an enemy, it might be carrying germs or poisons or something. Or, something could be hidden somewhere. All we know for certain is the enemy is somewhere, maybe...
Death and taxes
(Column ~ 02/03/03)
Dear Editor, It has been said the only sure things in life are death and taxes. In reality, this is true. It's also a sure thing we will make mistakes, but usually we try to correct them. Most taxpayers of McCook know it costs for good schools, city employees, streets, services and countless other issues, but no one likes to pay for mistakes...
Argus stinks
(Column ~ 02/03/03)
I still think the Argus Hamilton column in the Gazette stinks. It's no wonder -- it looks like all his material is written by the White House.
Grateful parents
(Column ~ 02/03/03)
Dear Editor, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all of the support that has been shown our family these past two weeks. It seems like such a short time ago, my wife and I were thrilled to be watching these kids compete in sports and grow through school activities...
Best care anywhere
(Column ~ 02/03/03)
Dear Editor, Just to let all the council members know, I was picked up by ambulance and was taken to the hospital and would like for all to know that I received the best care any where. I believe it is time for all the you, the council members, to remember who writes and signs your paychecks, it sure is not yourselves, I believe it is the taxpayer that gives you your paycheck...
No more taxes
(Column ~ 02/03/03)
Dear Editor, Having grown up on a farm near Funk, Nebraska during the '30s and '40s, I know what hard times are. Our windmill pumped water to a cistern next to the house. We had a hand pump on top of the cistern and a little pitcher pump just inside the house. When mother wanted to wash clothes, we filled an oblong boiler on top of the old cookstove with water...
Still waiting
(Column ~ 02/03/03)
Dear Editor, I kept waiting for the punch line in (Gloria Masoner's column). Your position on smoking is a dead, so to speak, issue. All the taxes you and others pay pale to the health costs paid by insurance companies and yes the state. My dad died in McCook of throat cancer only after his larynx was removed and months of radiation; not a good time for the family...
Honorees are an inspiration
(Column ~ 02/03/03)
As seven special people stepped forward to receive awards Saturday night, the crowd at the 2003 McCook Chamber of Commerce banquet erupted in repeated rounds of applause. In the most poignant of moments, the crowd members rose to their feet, showing their respect for the award-winners with prolonged ovations...
80 degrees
(Local News ~ 02/03/03)
Two days after record-setting high temperatures, most schools in Northwest Kansas and Southwest Nebraska were closed today, and many other activities were canceled as the first major snow of the year arrived in the Golden Plains. Saturday's high of 80 degrees in McCook broke a record of 71 set in 1931. Sunday's high was 56 and this morning's overnight low was 31...
McCook teacher Carl Smock dies at 56, was 2001 Educator of Year (Local News ~ 02/03/03)
Carl V. Smock, 56, a longtime science teacher with McCook public schools died Sunday at his home south of McCook. Smock, who was named Educator of the Year in 2001 by the McCook Chamber of Commerce and Education Committee, taught science in grades seven through 12 during 24 years of service with the school district... -
Carnegie Library for sale?
(Local News ~ 02/03/03)
The McCook City Council will discuss the possible sale of the Carnegie Library building -- and the property on which it and the High Plains Museum are built -- to the High Plains Historical Society. The regular meeting of the McCook City Council is Monday, 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of Memorial Auditorium. A letter from City Attorney Daylene Bennett to City Manager John Bingham suggests the city sell the property to the historical society for $100...
Just the (latest) facts
(Local News ~ 02/03/03)
Nebraska Public Power District officially present McCook representatives the newly-updated Industrial Facts Book on Friday at the Country Steak Buffet. Taking part (from left) are Rick J. Nelsen, economic development consultant with NPPD; City Manager John Bingham; City Councilman Jerry Reitz; Kay Lavene, executive director of the McCook Economic Development Corp.; Greg Wolford, president of the MEDC; and Brian Vasa, retail account executive for NPPD. ...
Buffalo Commons wins $1,500 humanities grant
(Local News ~ 02/03/03)
LINCOLN -- The annual Buffalo Commons Storytelling Festival in McCook has been awarded a $1,500 grant from the Nebraska Humanities Council. The grant will go for "Stories and Music from the Short Grass Prairie," a two-day festival planned for May 30-31...
Youth ticketed for stolen vehicle
(Local News ~ 02/03/03)
A stolen vehicle led to a McCook juvenile receiving a citation from the Nebraska State Patrol Saturday evening, Jan. 25. A 1980 GMC truck owned by David Tournade of McCook was stolen Jan. 25, was found wrecked and abandoned 3.3 miles south and 1.7 miles west on South River Road...
Meat rationing, coyote hunts and Oscars (Column ~ 02/03/03)
Shoot those coyotes and bop those bunnies to help the Red Cross? Yep, in 1943, organized coyote hunts were quite common with the sale of the pelts going to benefit the Red Cross. The coyotes were also a threat to local poultry and livestock. Sometimes not too many dollars were generated so they "passed the hat" to make up a decent donation. ... -
Seeing the signing of the Peace Treaty from 800 feet (Column ~ 02/03/03)
Over the life of the McCook Army Air Base, from 1942-1945, its mission changed. From December 1942 until April 1943 it was a satellite of the Kearney (Neb.) Airbase. From April 1943 until June 1944 it was designated as a Heavy Bombardment Training Base, using B-17s and B-24s as training planes... -
Examining the paradox of victimless crimes (Column ~ 02/03/03)
The term "victimless crimes" have never made a lot of sense to a lot of folks. How can there be a crime without a victim? The kinds of crime most people think about certainly have victims: murder, rape, robbery, burglary, larceny, auto theft and assault. The victims of these crimes certainly identify themselves as victims and are almost always the ones to complain to the police... -
Leon Ray 'Red' Hiatt
(Obituary ~ 02/03/03)
Leon Ray "Red" Hiatt died Thursday (Jan. 30, 2003) at McCook Community Hospital. He was 64 years old. Red was born Dec. 7, 1938, at Cambridge, to Ruby Helen (Renniker) and Oscar Wayne Hiatt. He attended school at Cambridge Public Schools. He married Dixie Lee Stagemeyer in 1956, and to this union four sons were born...
Della F. Roundtree
(Obituary ~ 02/03/03)
BENKELMAN -- Della F. Roundtree, 80, formerly of Benkelman, died Friday (Jan. 31, 2003) at the Beatrice Community Hospital in Beatrice. She was born Aug. 22, 1922, in Dundy County, to Ash Jehu and Nellie Lorena (Hester) Roundtree. For the last 25 years, she was a resident of the Martin Luther Home in Beatrice. Before moving to Beatrice, she lived in Hastings and North Platte...
Darin E. Koetter
(Obituary ~ 02/03/03)
Darin E. Koetter, 34 of McCook, died Thursday, (Jan. 30, 2003) at Community Hospital of McCook. He was born March 14, 1968, to Richard and Marilyn (McKillip) Koetter. He attended country school at District 41 through eighth grade and graduated from McCook High School in 1986. He made his home in McCook working on the family farm and with various local business owners...