Not an issue
(Column ~ 02/08/02)
The many comments that have been made about the race track in McCook are inconsequential. The race track has never been the issue. Red Willow County officials asked for the zoning exception for an equestrian arena, as a courtesy, it was not required and they could have built the arena without asking anyone. We have been offered an exceptional gift, and I suppose anyone who doesn't want to live by the arena -- or the race track for that matter -- has heard of Ryder moving company...
James Anthony Farrell
(Obituary ~ 02/08/02)
James Anthony Farrell RANCHO BERNADO, Calif. -- James Anthony Farrell, 75, died Sunday (Jan. 27, 2002) at the Pomerado Hospital in Poway, Calif. He was born July 21, 1926, to Frank and Genevieve Farrell. He grew up on a farm near Lebanon where he attended grade school before later moving to Palisade. He graduated from Palisade High School in 1945. He then attended Regis College in Denver, Colo. and Fordham University in New York...
Running through the season (Column ~ 02/08/02)
Studies have shown that mothers can recognize their own child's cry among a group of other crying babies. But what about a child's coughing or sniffling? This winter season, I've actually become quite adept at recognizing my children's sneezing, the sound of an arm swiping at a runny nose and the squeal of a sister whose brother is trying to wipe his nose on her... -
College football recruiting priorities out of whack (Column ~ 02/08/02)
We interrupt tonight's edition of "Sports Center" on ESPN to bring you the signing of one of the top high school football recruits in the country. Will Lorenzo Booker, one of the nation's top running back prospects according to various recruiting services, sign with Florida State University or will new Notre Dame coach Tyrone Willingham bring back the luster to the Golden Dome? What's wrong with this picture?... -
Track was there
(Column ~ 02/08/02)
After reading and listening to the comments on the race track, I feel compelled to add my two cents also. My husband races a mini-sprint at the McCook Race track and we enjoy the sport immensely. Mr. Tiller, Mr. Potthoff and most of the people knew the race track was there before they built or bought their homes. While my husband and I are not football or basketball fans we do not complain about the noise or the traffic they make or try to get them banned from McCook...
Who will pay?
(Column ~ 02/08/02)
President Bush's State of the Union Address stirred many people, however it was more like a Christmas wish list supported by our taxes. I wonder how we're going to be able to afford it.
Become a hero
(Column ~ 02/08/02)
Dear Editor, In President Bush's State of the Union address, he called for us to step up our volunteering. I would like to challenge the area residents to consider donating platelets and plasma through the Red Cross. I have been traveling with my family and friends to North Platte to donate platelets now for about three years...
Canteen recalled
(Column ~ 02/08/02)
Dear Editor, Every Monday morning I start looking for Linda Hein's column! I especially enjoyed her series about the McCook Canteen that was so active during the early years of World War II. My mother was one of the founders, and spent many, many hours soliciting funds and supplies to keep it active, to say nothing of the additional time she spent working at the depot...
Boy Scouting offers valuable words to live by
(Column ~ 02/08/02)
Through the years, thousands of young men in Southwest Nebraska have developed values and learned life skills in Boy Scout programs. The program's impact on young lives continues to this day. Up and down the Republican Valley -- from Benkelman to Arapahoe -- more than 300 youth are currently taking part in Scouting. This is according to an estimate by Donna Lambert, a McCook resident who is a member of the Overland Trails Council...
Sobering prophecy
(Column ~ 02/08/02)
A couple of decades ago, the London Daily Telegraph printed the winner of a contest awarded to the best "History of the World in 50 Words or Less." I haven't any idea of who wrote it, so, with gratitude and apologies to whomever, here it is: "When husky Adam clasped the hauntingly beautiful temp-tress Eve to his naked breast, little did they know that theirs would be a dynasty of a thousand civilizations torn by war, plagues, greed and ven-geance; a saga writ in blood, sweat and tears, throbbing with lust to discover and possess.". ...
Ernestine M. Larson
(Obituary ~ 02/08/02)
Ernestine M. Larson McDONALD, Kan. -- Ernestine M. Larson, 72, died Wednesday (Feb. 6, 2002) at St. Catherine's Hospital in Garden City, Kan. She was born on May 23, 1929, to Ernest and Fadelma (Conley) Butts in LaCygne, Kan. She attended Pittsburg State Teachers College...