Mae LaVerle Kimball
(Obituary ~ 07/18/12)
Mae LaVerle Kimball Feb. 26, 1926 - July 15, 2012 KEARNEY, Nebraska --Mae LaVerle Kimball, 86, died at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney on Sunday (July 15, 2012). She was born at home in Ely, Nebraska on Feb. 26, 1926 to Clarence and Bula Irene (Zerlein) Spence. She attended school through the 8th grade, but later completed her GED, so she could earn her LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse Degree)...
On the record
(Community News ~ 07/18/12)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Danbury Auxiliary discuss June convention
(Community News ~ 07/18/12)
DANBURY, Nebraska -- The American Auxiliary Unit 276 of Danbury met July 11, 2012, at the home of Wanda Miller. President Patsy Redfern opened and closed the 2 p.m. meeting in form. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, and a treasurer's report was given and bills allowed. Drawing for the "Grandmother's Garden" afghan will be at the August meeting...
Brown cousin's reunion
(Community News ~ 07/18/12)
By Vernelle Kraussnick McCOOK, Nebraska -- The 23rd Brown Cousin's Reunion was May 27, 2012 at the McCook Senior Center in McCook for a potluck meal at noon with 46 members in attendance from five states: Wyoming, Colorado, Michigan, Oklahoma and Nebraska...
Wolfe sibling reunion
(Community News ~ 07/18/12)
By Bev Guthrie HOLBROOK, Nebraska -- June 22, 2012, found Bev Guthrie, sister, Dorothy Tyler and Dorothy's daughter, Sandy Frye at the Holbrook Community Building settingup/scrubbing/cleaning (tables & chairs/stove & microwave/ refrigerator, coffeemakers, tea jug, etc. in that order), in readiness for the much-looked-forward-to Sibling Reunion on the 23rd when one lone Wolfe and eight Wolfe-ettes, their 74 descendants and four guests (total: 87) entered the building...
Personal - Messersmith
(Community News ~ 07/18/12)
Recovering OMAHA, Nebraska -- Darrell Messersmith Sr. of McCook is recovering from cancer treatments. He has been a patient in Omaha hospitals for more than six weeks. Cards of encouragement and well wishes will reach him at Select Specialty Hospital, 1870 S. 75th Street, Room 202, Omaha, NE 68124...
I've got a tip for you...
(Column ~ 07/18/12)
Jobs in Worland, Wyoming were scarce in 1975. But, since we had (deservedly) been exiled to that small town in north central Wyoming, jobs were what we needed. We found lodging at the Cook Hotel, long gone now, for the princely sum of $17.85 per week. It was a simple bedroom, with a shared bath down the hall. I made Danny stand guard whenever I was in the tub. The television was in the lobby and the walls were paper-thin. But it was shelter from the storm and we were grateful...
City requests streets cleared for armor coating
(Local News ~ 07/18/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Armor coating will begin on several McCook streets today and residents are asked to remove all vehicles from the affected areas. City staff apologized for the short notice and said once the oil and gravel was applied each street would be opened for use...
Police issue public alert on paving scam
(Local News ~ 07/18/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook Police Department has issued a public alert pertaining to a potential asphalt paving scam that has been targeting rural residents of Southwest Nebraska. Complaints have been received stemming from individuals contacting rural residents in the North Platte area that were driving pickups with Texas license plates and conducting an asphalt paving scam, according to a press release issued Tuesday afternoon...
Queen, Junior Queen competition begins Saturday (Local News ~ 07/18/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Miss Southwest Nebraska Rodeo Queen 2011 Katelyn Sughroue of Bartley and Junior Queen 2011 Kelsey Kilpatrick of McCook will relinquish their titles to new royalty at the end of the 2012 two-day pageant competition Saturday and Sunday. July 21 and 22, in McCook... -
NPPD issues call for energy conservation
(Local News ~ 07/18/12)
COLUMBUS, Nebraska -- High temperatures and drought conditions are a challenging combination for Nebraskans who are trying to stay cool and irrigate crops during prime growing season. Combine these two conditions with unprecedented electrical loads that tax a traditionally reliable transmission system and Nebraskans are in a unique situation...
Agency Doubles Down on Meals (Local News ~ 07/18/12)
Southwest Nebraska Feeding God's Children wants to pack 500,000 meals in just five days
Stories from Wednesday, July 18, 2012
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