Dispose of grass correctly; better yet, don't dispose of it at all
(Editorial ~ 04/11/12)
Did you remember to put your "green dumpster" by the curb this morning? If not, you'll have to live with the decomposing clippings, or haul them to the city compost site yourself; it's illegal to throw them in the regular alley trash containers. That's because state law bans grass clippings in landfills from April 1 through Nov. 30 each year...
'Twittergate' may be only the beginning
(Column ~ 04/11/12)
Ed Howard Statehouse Correspondent The Nebraska Press Association LINCOLN -- It is too much, but the sadder thought is that more and worse could be ahead. Virtually anything might be alleged these days, regardless of how ridiculous or disgusting, in a political campaign...
Congratulations may be in order
(Column ~ 04/11/12)
There is a passage in Scripture that has always fascinated me, but I didn't want to look at it too closely, lest it require more of me. "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. ...
Administrative salaries tabled, for now
(Local News ~ 04/11/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook School Board postponed any action on salaries and benefits for administration. After the regular meeting Monday night, the board met in closed session to discuss the compensation package for school principals, assistant principals and other administrative staff. No action was taken after the closed session...
Class registrations due for parenting class
(Community News ~ 04/11/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Registrations are being accepted for the Co-Parenting for Successful Kids (formerly known as Parents Forever) class to be held in McCook on Wednesday, May 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT at the Community Building, Fairgrounds, West 5th and O Streets...
Part of roof on old armory must be repaired
(Local News ~ 04/11/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook School District will have to replace part of the roof at the former National Guard Armory building. The district purchased the armory from the state in September 2011 for $82,500. Students from the alternative educational LIFT program now occupy the building...
MCC's PBL wins awards at state conference (Community News ~ 04/11/12)
KEARNEY, Nebraska -- College students from 13 Phi Beta Lambda state chapters met in Kearney recently to compete in business-related competitions. Students who placed in first or second are eligible to compete in the National Phi Beta Lambda Leadership Conference to be held in June in San Antonio, Texas. Since students may only compete in two events, sometimes lower places also earn the right to represent Nebraska at this conference... -
Test prep program showing results
(Local News ~ 04/11/12)
LORRI SUGHROUE McCook Daily Gazette McCOOK, Nebraska -- Thanks to a new study program, a student at McCook Senior High raised her ACT results high enough to score a coveted scholarship. After being introduced by MHS Principal Jerry Smith, senior Betsy Hardin told McCook School Board members at their regular meeting Monday night that after taking the John Baylor prep test offered at the high school, she was able to raise her ACT score from 29 to 32...
School board approves new hires, resignations
(Local News ~ 04/11/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Three resignations and five teaching contracts were approved by the McCook School Board Monday night. The board accepted with gratitude the resignations of the district school psychologist Lynse Schmidt, Melissa Wallen, second grade teacher at McCook Elementary and Beverly Schlager, who taught reading at the junior high...
On the Record
(Community News ~ 04/11/12)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Sunrise moon (Local News ~ 04/11/12)
A nearly-full moon on Easter Sunday morning trails behind the daddy-long-legs windmill that sits in a deep-cut canyon between Trenton and Stratton, Nebraska. -
Arapahoe native chosen as Nebraska Homecoming Queen (Community News ~ 04/11/12)
ARAPAHOE, Nebraska -- Jessica Jording of Arapahoe participated in the Homecoming Queen Pageant in Des Moines, Iowa on March 11, 2012. It was open to senior girls who were chosen as homecoming queen in their school. Jording was chosen Nebraska Homecoming Queen. She will represent Nebraska at Nationals in Anaheim, California in July... -
WWII vet featured speaker
(Community News ~ 04/11/12)
CULBERTSON, Nebraska --Artie Lebsack from McCook was the guest speaker when the Culbertson Women's Club held their April 5, 2012, meeting at the Culbertson Public Library. Jerry and Jean Beideck were also guests. President Lillian Kehler called the meeting to order and led the group in Club Collect and the flag salute. The minutes were read and approved...
Hospital plans health fair
(Local News ~ 04/11/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The public is invited to Community Hospital's two-day Health Expo on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 24 to 25 from 7-9 a.m. each day in the McCook City Auditorium. The health fair will highlight Community Hospital's services, offer continental breakfast, and a variety of health screenings at a free or reduced rate. Other health-related businesses will also provide screenings and exhibits...
Foundation awarded Peter Kiewit Grant (Local News ~ 04/11/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook Community Foundation Fund, an affiliated fund of the Nebraska Community Foundation, has been awarded the Peter Kiewit Grant for emergency needs in the amount of $12,000. The MCFF has distributed those funds to: McCook Educational Foundation -- Food for Kids BackPack Program -- $4,000 -- Each weekend qualified children receive a pack of food to sustain them through the weekend. ... -
Motorcycle raffle raising funds for medical expenses (State News ~ 04/11/12)
STAPLETON, Nebraska -- A benefit raffle is underway for Daniel Hopper of Stapleton, the brother-in-law of Darcy and Travi Rambali of McCook. He is currently unable to work and support his family due to intense pain in his neck and back. The Laser Spine Institute in Oklahoma would be able to do surgery to correct the following problems they have found from tests that have been taken: degenerative disk disease, four bulged disks in neck, spiral stenosis, foraminal narrowing, and facet disease... -
REAP announces April hours in McCook
(Business ~ 04/11/12)
Dena Beck, central and southwest Nebraska Business Specialist with the Center for Rural Affairs' Rural Enterprise Assistance Project will be in McCook April 20, 10 a.m.-2:45 p.m. McCook Economic Development Corp. will handle the appointments; (308) 345-1200. MEDC office is located at 402 Norris Avenue, Suite 301...
Cambridge farmer wins use of brand new tender (Business ~ 04/11/12)
Meridian Manufacturing extends congratulations to Bart Deterding of Cambridge, Nebraska. Deterding registered to win the free use of a Meridian Seed Tender for 2012 at Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island, Nebraska in September. Select Seeds of Culbertson, Nebraska is a Meridian tender dealer and is furnishing Deterding with his tender. Meridian has a strong dealer network and is proud to have Select Seeds representing them... -
Talented group of artists featured at 2012 Fox event
(Local News ~ 04/11/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The artistic talent of the Golden Plains will shine magnificently Saturday, April 14, when the Fox of McCook hosts the historic theatre's second Benefit Art Show and Auction. "We are honored and humbled by the phenomenal support of artists from the Golden Plains and other centers of art in the U.S. and foreign lands," said Terry Tigner and Kay Neuhaus, the co-directors of the prestigious 2012 event...
Stories from Wednesday, April 11, 2012
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