Dorothy Robertson (Obituary ~ 02/14/11)
Aug. 12, 1917--Feb. 11, 2011 NORTH PLATTE, Nebraska -- Dorothy Marie Robertson, 93, passed away Friday (Feb. 11, 2011), at Centennial Park Retirement Village. Dorothy was born Aug. 12, 1917, the oldest of five children, to Edward and Kathryn (Schwabe) Pelster in Petersburg, Nebraska. At an early age, she moved to Elsie, Nebraska with her parents and attended country school in rural Perkins County... -
Vicki A. (Riley) Musgrave
(Obituary ~ 02/14/11)
April 2, 1963-Feb. 2, 2011 OMAHA, Nebraska -- Vicki A. (Riley) Musgrave, 47, died Feb. 2, 2011. She was born April 2, 1963. She is survived by husband, Tim; daughters, Courtney and Nicole Musgrave, all of Omaha; parents, Bill and Earlene Riley of Ord, Nebraska; parents-in-law, Roger and Barbara Musgrave of McCook, Nebraska; brother, Tim and wife, Karen Riley of Omaha; and sister, Rebecca Riley of Iowa City, Iowa...
Valentine's Day by the numbers
(Editorial ~ 02/14/11)
Valentine's Day isn't the first holiday that comes to mind when we think of shopping, but it has a big impact on the economy anyway. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 1,317 U.S. companies manufacturing establishments that produced chocolate and cocoa products in 2008, employing 38,369 people. Together, firms producing chocolate and cocoa products shipped $12.2 billion in products in 2009...
Rename committee
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/14/11)
The Nebraska Business and Labor Committee at the Unicameral should be renamed the LABOR AND UNION COMMITTEE. We went to the CIR hearings Monday at the State Capitol to testify as a proponent of Sen. John Nelson's bills on behalf of the Tea Party Patriots to repeal the CIR. There were 9 bills being testified on. Those for reform testified first, those opposed last. The room was filled with union interest and light on public interest...
Advice worth it
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/14/11)
Do you have a deep faith in God. If not, ready the Holy Bible, and be quick about it. Memorize it, distribute it freely and don't take any wooden nickels. Many years ago, I knew a preacher who charged nothing for his advice, and it was well worth it...
Participate in process
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/14/11)
It is citizens' patriotic duty to serve our country and to participate in government issues. City officials who have taken an oath of duty to uphold the Constitution and respect citizen petitions as indicated in Amendment One of the Constitution. 2009, 2010, 2011, the McCook Group campaigned through the news and support letters that historic West Ward could possible be rehabbed at the cheapest bid...
Build a refinery
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/14/11)
The letter from Marvin Henry of Maywood (Feb. 4, 2011) expresses an idea that could be beneficial to Nebraska. A refinery could be built in our state that would create many jobs for our people. Quote -- "We have a gold mine here under our feet to Texas."...
'The Music Man' provides bridge for all ages
(Local News ~ 02/14/11)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Once again The Southwest Nebraska Community Theater Association is providing a bridge for all age groups by bringing "The Music Man" to the McCook High School Auditorium for the 2 p.m. opening matinee March 13. The cast has more than 40 performers from several Southwest Nebraska communities. Other show dates are the evenings of March 18, 19 and afternoon of March 20...
McCook's DAR Clubhouse (Column ~ 02/14/11)
In 1890 the United States was going through a period of increased interest in the nation's history, and very intense and visible demonstrations of pride in the USA. Differences between the North and the South had begun to blur after the Civil War and patriotism for the united country were strong and frequently demonstrated publicly... -
Soaring with the Eagles
(Column ~ 02/14/11)
Of all the achievements in my life I consider becoming an Eagle Scout as the most important because it set the stage for everything else that would follow. It taught me to complete what I start, no matter how difficult the task. Scouts can certainly understand that becoming an Eagle Scout, Scouting's highest award, is not easy to do. ...
The Nebraska foster care system
(Column ~ 02/14/11)
The Nebraska foster care system has been in the news quite a bit lately. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is in the middle of a reform process to move toward privatization of the system. The news has been filled with the problems Nebraska is having maintaining an adequate level of infrastructure after three of five contract lead agencies either backed out or went under...
Following Reagan's lead on regulation
(Column ~ 02/14/11)
This month we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birthday of President Ronald Reagan. We not only celebrate his life, but also, and more importantly, the legacy he left to America and the world. Throughout his life, whether as an actor, spokesperson, governor, or President, he passionately pursued his vision for America, which was rooted in freedom, opportunity, and prosperity...
Construction of new Stratcom Headquarters in president's 2012 budget
(State News ~ 02/14/11)
February 14, 2011 -- Today, Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson welcomed President Obama's 2012 budget proposal, which calls for full authorization and funding to build a new U.S. Strategic Command headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base in Bellevue, Nebraska...
WARRIOR, TROJAN COLLISION (High School Sports ~ 02/14/11)
Arapahoe sophomore Gage Schutz (32) drives through Rich Weston (bottom) of Cambridge to get off this shot attempt in area boys basketball action at Cambridge Saturday night. Arapahoe won a 53-33 decision in the game that was postponed from last Tuesday due to... -
Four Bison wrestlers qualify for state
(High School Sports ~ 02/14/11)
SCOTTSBLUFF, Nebraska -- Pardon McCook High School head wrestling coach Nick Umscheid if he seems a little woozy after the Class B-4 District meet. Coach Umscheid and his Bison had a emotional roller coaster ride at the district meet Friday and Saturday, Feb. 11-12, at the Scottsbluff High School gym. When the dust settled, McCook secured four berths in the Class B state wrestling meet at Omaha's Qwest Center starting Feb. 17...
Bison girls salvage one win in Shootout trip west
(High School Sports ~ 02/14/11)
The third time was the charm for the McCook High School girls on their panhandle basketball trip Feb. 10-12. The Bison girls finally salvaged a win Saturday, Feb. 12, in their third and final game in the annual East-West Shootout. McCook rallied with a 20-point fourth quarter to beat host Alliance, 51-41...
Bison boys get one win in home Shootout weekend (High School Sports ~ 02/14/11)
Saturday afternoon was gut-check time for the McCook High School boys basketball team. The Bison had lost two home games in the annual East-West Shootout, including a 56-50 setback to Gering Friday, Feb. 11. Alliance came to the Bison gym fresh off a Shootout victory at Lexington Friday night and a chance to even its season record at 10-10 with a win over McCook... -
Lorena M. Hixon (Obituary ~ 02/14/11)
- Sandra S. Bauer (Obituary ~ 02/14/11)
- Gordon 'Woody' Leach (Obituary ~ 02/14/11)