Anderson, Nanfito engagement (Engagement ~ 09/15/08)
Miranda Anderson of Arapahoe and Michael Nanfito of Omaha, announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Parents of the couple are JD and Linda Anderson of Arapahoe, Mary Nanfito of Omaha, and Joe and Marge Nanfito of Tacoma, Wash. The bride-to-be is a 2004 graduate of Arapahoe High School. She graduated from Hasting College in 2008 and is employed by Hastings Economic Development... -
Wick birth
(Births ~ 09/15/08)
KEARNEY -- Tai Lynn (Angle) and Christopher Wick of Kearney announce the bith of a son, Caleb James Wick. He was born Aug. 23, 2008. He has a 4-year-old brother, Christian. Grandparents are Henry Angle of Kearney, Shawna Stanton, also of Kearney and Thomas and Barbara Wick of Holdrege. Great-grandparents are Martha Lindstrom of Holdrege, Linneae Budke of McCook and Marie Upton of Trenton...
Clark, Sund engagement (Engagement ~ 09/15/08)
McConville, Berry wedding (Wedding ~ 09/15/08)
INDIANOLA -- Kayla McConville of Bartley and Matthew Berry of Grand Island, were united in marriage June 14, 2008, at St. Catherine's Catholic Church in Indianola with the Rev. Thomas McGuire officiating. Parents of the couple are Steve and Kerry McConville of Bartley and Jeff and Linda Berry of Grand Island... -
Ganz pulls hat trick on New Mexico State (High School Sports ~ 09/15/08)
By ERIC OLSON AP Sports Writer LINCOLN, Neb. -- Joe Ganz threw a touchdown pass, ran for a score and caught a TD pass, and Marlon Lucky helped revive Nebraska's rushing attack with 103 yards, leading the Cornhuskers to a 38-7 win over New Mexico State on Saturday night... -
Dolores A. Leffler
(Obituary ~ 09/15/08)
April 27, 1927-Sept. 12, 2008 Dolores A. Leffler, formerly of Hayes Center, died Friday, Sept. 12, 2008, at Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook. She was 81 years old. Dolores was born on April 27, 1927, in Hayes Center to William Henry and Zella Geraldine (Eastabrook) Strop. She graduated from Hayes Center High School in 1945. She continued her education in California attending cosmetology school...
Time capsule contents (Local News ~ 09/15/08)
Steve Lyne, master of Masonic Lodge No. 135, McCook, unfolds copies of the 1908 McCook Republican and McCook Tribune newspapers, discovered during a ceremony Sunday to reveal the contents of a copper time capsule embedded in the cornerstone of the 100-year-old Masonic Temple Building in the 300 block of Norris Avenue in downtown McCook. ... -
For your sake, and others, hand up and drive
(Editorial ~ 09/15/08)
Parents of teenagers are amazed at their ability to multi-task -- playing board games while listening to their iPods while text messaging and carrying on face-to-face conversations. But the issue became deadly serious over the weekend when federal officials began looking into reports that the engineer blamed for a train crash that killed him and 24 other people may have been text messaging shortly before the crash...
Woodstock and Caddie Memmelaar (Column ~ 09/15/08)
One of the largest musical events in our nation's history, and certainly the most controversial, occurred Aug. 15-18, 1969, at a dairy farm in Sullivan County, New York, and has been known ever since simply as "Woodstock." Woodstock was billed as the world's largest musical concert, with 32 of the nation's most popular folk and rock bands and performers, playing music nearly non-stop for an entire weekend. ... -
Movie Review - Tropic Thunder (Weekend Menu ~ 09/15/08)
Movie Review - Tropic Thunder Starring Ben Stiller, Robert Downey, Jr., and Jack Black. Directed by Ben Stiller. Rated R for R for pervasive language including sexual references, violent content and drug material. Run Time of 1 Hour 47 Minutes. Tropic Thunder is an action comedy that satirizes Hollywood. ... -
Schneider birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/15/08)
The family of Paul Schneider Sr. is hosting an open house in honor of his 75th birthday Saturday, Sept. 20, 2-4 p.m., at the McCook Evangelical Free Church, 602 East 14th. He was born Sept. 16, 1933, in Imperial. His family includes his wife, Delores, and children, Sherry R. Shults, Pamela Daum, Paul Schneider Jr., Carl Schneider and Robert Schneider. He has 10 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach him at PO Box 755, McCook, NE 69001...