Bison golfers win Ron Coleman Invitational
(High School Sports ~ 04/16/08)
Fourteen high school teams brought 70 players to endure the wind and the challenge of the Heritage Hills golf course for the Ron Coleman Invitational in McCook Tuesday.
Bison golfers win Ron Coleman Invitational (High School Sports ~ 04/16/08)
Fourteen high school teams brought 70 players to endure the wind and the challenge of the Heritage Hills golf course for the Ron Coleman Invitational in McCook Tuesday. -
Burns birthday (Birthdays ~ 04/16/08)
The family of Dorothy Harr Burns are requesting a birthday card shower in honor of her 85th birthday on April 20, 2008. Her children are Phil Harr of McCook and Dimis Harr of North Platte. Stepchildren include Mike Burns of Fort Collins, Colo., Greg Burns of Kearney, Mary O'Dea of Loveland, Colo., and Paul of California. She has five grandchildren, 10 step-grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 1500 East 11th, Apt. 206, McCook, NE 69001... -
Patience? Husker fans won't have to be told twice
(Editorial ~ 04/16/08)
Sports Illustrated feature captures the Big Red mood well.
Say what you mean, mean what you say
(Column ~ 04/16/08)
In 1984 Hall and Oates released what would be their final number one hit song, a little ditty that made little sense to me at the time. Apparently, they were ahead of their time, at least politically. The opening chorus and all that I remember of the song, is "You're out of touch. I'm out of time."...
Peer mentoring, TeamMates programs win $323,829 grant
(Local News ~ 04/16/08)
McCook Daily Gazette McCook Public Schools' peer mentoring and TeamMates programs have been awarded a three-year $323,829 grant from the U.S. Department of Education. McCook Junior High Principal Dennis Berry told board of education members Monday evening that Congress has approved funding for $118,000 of the total, which will pay for training, equipment, supplies and some stipends for directors...
Another detour for new school bus
(Local News ~ 04/16/08)
McCook Public Schools board of education has hashed and rehashed buying a new route bus for almost three years now, and, at its meeting Monday evening, asked for bids on a different set of specs than it advertised for in March. The board received three bids on a 2009 59-passenger route-type bus after advertising for bids seeking a "new" bus. ...
New FFA program paying off
(Local News ~ 04/16/08)
Member recalls 'privilege' of time with Sen. Christensen