Nelda Pindell (Obituary ~ 11/25/03)
OGALLALA -- Nelda Pindell, 86, died Friday (Nov. 21, 2003) at Ogallala Community Hospital. She was born Feb. 17, 1917, to Isaac and Susan (Troxel) Berry in Hays County. She attended elementary school in Hays County. She was employed with White Pelican Cafe in Wauneta... -
Merrill birth (Births ~ 11/25/03)
Wayne and Aubree Merrill of Trenton announce the birth of their daughter, Aimee Loree, Oct. 20, 2003. She weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. She has a 4 year-old brother, Wesley, and a 2 1/2 year-old sister, Laynee. Grandparents are Dennis and Marla Reiners of Trenton and Dan and Mae Merrill of Nenana, Alaska. Great-grandparents are Glenn and Catherine Reiners of McCook... -
Stanley birth (Births ~ 11/25/03)
Robert and Amy Stanley of Big Springs announce the birth of their daughter, Lauryn Christine, Oct. 21, 2003, at Ogallala Community Hospital in Ogallala. She weighed 8 pounds, 5.25 ounces and was 21 inches long. She has a sister, Caroline Jean, who is 2-years-old. ... -
Bison go back-to-back (High School Sports ~ 11/25/03)
LINCOLN -- Perhaps McCook football coach Jeff Gross was inspired by a gutsy two-point conversion call by Bishop Wahoo Neumann coach Tim Turman in the Cavaliers‚ 8-7 win over Chase County-Imperial in the Nebraska Class C1 state championship game. The sixth-year McCook coach went to his bag of tricks to call a fake punt as time ran out in the second quarter... -
Truck mishap disrupts rail service (Local News ~ 11/25/03)
No one was injured early Monday morning when a runaway tractor-trailer rig jumped the curb in the Wal-Mart parking lot, rolled down a hill, crossed Old Highway 6, bumped over the railroad tracks, careened down another hill and came to rest in a ditch on a county road south of McCook... -
Bill will make major difference for small hospitals.
(Editorial ~ 11/25/03)
Local officials originated, helped advance the plan.
The long road to Lincoln -- and back
(Column ~ 11/25/03)
What a game! And to think we almost missed it. Keeping an eye on the weather, I determined Friday night that there was no way we were going to risk a drive all the way to Lincoln, sit in rainy Memorial Stadium, and then risk life and limb again to return home on icy roads...
A little confused
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/25/03)
**Dear Editor, In such a great nation conceived in liberty it's sad to see columns like Mike (Hendrick)'s Nov. 15 column, which is just one of many extreme liberal interpretation of our constitution. Mike would like us to believe that the separation of church and state is a fundamental of America's Constitution, but nowhere in the entire Constitution will you read that there can be no form of religion present in the government...
Keep the pen hot
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/25/03)
**Dear Editor, I just saw this article today ("One last word on arsenic," "Glory Daze," by Gloria Masoner, Aug. 14, 2003) ... but I want to commend you on your stance. Here in New Mexico, you're right, we have an arsenic problem. At last count 177 rural systems are above the 10 ppb rule...
Can't understand
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/25/03)
**Dear Editor, I cannot understand how Nebraska's governor (can) say he will not stop late-term abortions. We send (those) to jail who kill small children or anyone, but still let doctors kill babies who have never harmed anyone. That is what they are doing...
Bunch of bullies
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/25/03)
**Dear Editor, The cartoon in Friday's Gazette rubs me the wrong way. I am tired of being scolded and threatened by a bunch of know-it-all bullies. There is no way anyone can know if these accident victims would have survived if they had been using a seat belt...
Review the film
(Opinion ~ 11/25/03)
We haven't heard much from Bush lately about those weapons of mass destruction. Does anyone get the impression that he knew all along that there weren't any. I have an idea, let's send Powell over there to sniff them out. After all, he didn't have any trouble pointing them out to us and the U.N. ...
Hire our coaches?
(Opinion ~ 11/25/03)
I think the University of Nebraska should come to McCook and Imperial and recruit some players. Maybe they could hire the McCook coach and the Imperial coach to be the coaches for the Cornhuskers.
Stories from Tuesday, November 25, 2003
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