MPCC teases $4.5 million to build out championship fields

Friday, January 31, 2025

McCOOK, Neb. - At Monday night’s meeting of the McCook City Council, City staff will update the council regarding the sports complex project and also discuss details of a collaboration with Mid Plains Community College.

MPCC has said it has $4.5 million to build out championship fields, with the possibility of more, if MPCC were to own the championship fields. MPCC is asking the city to subdivide the championship fields from the remainder of the sports complex, with MPCC to pay the city for the land the fields occupy.

At Monday’s meeting, the council will also establish the user fees for the McCook Aquatic park for the Summer of 2025 and discuss proposed LB 354, which would eliminate state equalization funding for Cities of the First Class.

LB354 proposes to amend Nebraska’s Municipal Equalization Fund provisions by prohibiting cities of the first class from receiving state aid. It modifies the formula for calculating aid based on average property tax levies and municipal tax requests while maintaining provisions for reductions if a municipality’s levy falls below the state average. If the fund lacks sufficient resources, aid will be distributed on a prorated basis.

Last, the council will consider the second reading of ordinance No. 2025-3095, amending the City of McCook Code of Ordinances to update fireworks regulations, including the elimination of fireworks on July 5.

The meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 3, in the City at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be open to the public.

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