Oath of office given to MPS School Board Members

Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Grant Norgaard gives the three newly elected board members the oath of Office, Incumbent and previous Board president Brad Hays and newcomers Jesse Juenemann and Amanda Buhr
Anna LaBay/ McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. – The McCook Board of Education began its meeting with the swearing-in of newly elected members. Incumbent and former Board President Brad Hays, along with newcomers Amanda Buhr and Jesse Juenemann, took the oath of office administered by Grant Norgaard. The Board then held officer elections, selecting Brad Hays as President, Scott Barger as Vice President, and Mike Langan as Secretary. Jeff Gross was reappointed as Treasurer and Recording Secretary.

Norgaard clarified that the appointment of the Business Manager to these roles is a position-based policy, ensuring continuity when personnel changes occur. He emphasized that such procedures align with the district’s policies and practices.

Committee chairs were announced, with first-year members typically not serving as chairs to allow them time to acclimate. Buhr and Juenemann will assume chair roles next year. The Board also designated the McCook Gazette as the district’s official newspaper, a statutory requirement to ensure transparency in public notices. “We’re fortunate to have the McCook Gazette,” Norgaard noted.

Board members were briefed on state statutes regarding conflicts of interest. Members must abstain from voting if they or their immediate family stand to benefit financially from Board decisions, though they may participate in discussions.

Student Board Member Kyson Barger updated the Board on school activities. Spirit Week, culminating in Color Day on Jan. 25, is underway. He highlighted successes in athletics and clubs, noting victories in basketball and bowling and an upcoming speech team competition.

The Superintendent’s report focused on the district’s preparation for an external accreditation review scheduled for Feb. 18-20. This peer review, mandated for all Nebraska schools, evaluates efforts to improve academic outcomes. Norgaard assured attendees that the presence of Department of Education officials was due to the district’s positive reputation. He invited Board members to participate in discussions during the event.

The Board discussed the annual meeting in February, where student performance, professional development, and progress toward school improvement goals will be reviewed. A teacher in-service on Jan. 20 will feature educational researcher Rick Stiggins, providing district-wide professional development.

The Board approved contracts for Rachel Rydgren, Cherie Wallace, and Meagan Paul, covering positions in special education, life skills, and speech-language pathology. Additionally, the Board accepted a $1,500 grant from the Graff Charitable Foundation.

Business Manager Jeff Gross concluded the meeting with a heartfelt tribute to Marilyn Malik, a dedicated bus driver who served McCook schools for over 30 years. Malik, who retired in August, passed away in December. Gross recounted her dedication to students, noting, “The kids who rode her bus treated her like their mom, and she treated them like her own.” He shared how bus drivers honored her by driving a school bus in her funeral procession, a gesture she would have appreciated. Gross extended gratitude to her family and recognized her long-standing contributions to the district.

The meeting adjourned with a tone of gratitude and reflection on Malik’s service and the positive developments within the district.

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  • It's mighty sad when Gazette personnel cannot even correctly spell the name of a deceased bus driver for their story. Check your own obituary column if necessary!

    -- Posted by Brunette on Tue, Jan 14, 2025, at 12:36 PM
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