Murman survives committee challenge

Thursday, January 9, 2025
38th District Senator Dave Murman, Chairman of the Education Committee
Nebraska Unicam

LINCOLN, Neb. - On Wednesday, the opening day of the 109th Legislature, District 38 Sen. Dave Murman survived a challenge from District 24 Sen. Jana Hughes (Seward) for chairmanship of the powerful Senate Education Committee.

In the process of nominating herself for the chair, Hughes acknowledged that it was unconventional for a Republican Senator to challenge another sitting Republican for the chairmanship of a committee, saying that she was warned that she had “better have 25 votes” before mounting a challenge.

She apparently did not. The final vote count was 29-20 in favor of Murman, who retained his seat .

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  • What is going on ?

    -- Posted by afandgjh on Thu, Jan 9, 2025, at 5:06 PM
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