
Voting, and rendering to Caesar

Friday, October 18, 2024

It is quite clear that as a people and as a country, we are deeply divided. As happens all too often when dissension occurs, the blame game is sure to follow. The Republicans blame the Democrats, who blame whoever is available, but the truth of the matter is, THERE lS ENOUGH BLAME TO GO AROUND. As we look back at this great experiment that we call America over almost 250 years, there is, and will always be, a difference of opinion. Is that right or wrong? As a Pastor, I find myself going to GOD’s GUIDE FOR OUR LIFE, The Bible–the unfailing word of an Almighty God.

So what is the answer, you ask? Let’s look at our Owner’s

Manual. ln The Gospel of Mark, chapter L2: verse 17 we read. “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s’.

As we delve into this bible passage, I want to be absolutely clear What we face is neither political party issue, nor is it denominational in origin. lt is, without any question in my mind an obedience to God issue. For too long, churches, bodies of believers, have had the attitude that if I pay my taxes and stay out of trouble, THEN l’m ok! Lets look at some problems of that theory. I remember when prayer started the Public School Day. And The church quick theology lesson; The church is not simply where persons of a similar theological leaning meet on The Lord’s Day. The Church is believers in the finished work of Christ. So the Church claimed Separation of Church and State.

And Prayer was removed from the public forum. How did that work out for the nation? On and on I could go blasting the inaction of the church, but instead, I appeal to remember the words of Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” lt is easy to play the “it’s not my problem game, or the “l don’t want to get involved game.”

ln a little over 2 weeks, we as a nation are tasked with choosing those men and women to lead our country. We are, by our action picking people to represent us. Our values and our beliefs on the National and world stage. Some are thinking, Here goes a political dissertation. Not so! lt is not my place nor my job to instruct you as to who best represents your values. That decision is yours and yours alone.

But I will share how I will vote. I know you are thinking, “Here it comes’! Yes and No. I am not telling you to VOTE Republican, Democrat, lndependent or you Name it! WHAT I AM ASKING YOU TO DO IS TO VOTE BIBLICAL! Don’t vote for political party, don’t vote for gender. Vote for a Christian who will best and Honestly represent your values in the Halls of Government!


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