Letter to the Editor

Unforgettable experience

Thursday, September 26, 2024

To the Residents of McCook:

I would like to thank the community for the magnificent event this past weekend for German Heritage Days and congratulate everyone for an excellent job.

I visited my hometown to attend my 50th Class Reunion. It meant a great deal to me to see how vibrant McCook is after all of these years and proud of the goals and accomplishments the community leaders and residents have achieved.

I was surprised and pleased to learn so many people who previously lived there are returning. That speaks very highly of a town. The Community Hospital, public pool, ArtBank, Chamber of Commerce events, Heritage Museum, and Y.M.C.A. are but a few of the venues that make living there attractive and worthwhile.

McCook will always have a very special place in my heart and I feel extremely blessed to have been raised there. You have all done yourselves proud. Keep it up!

I also want to thank the hard work and efforts of the Class of ‘74 Reunion Committee for a most successful and memorable weekend. I saw so many dear friends, family, families of friends, partners and former partners of friends, and even a teacher or two. What fun it was!

The entire weekend was an event in my life I will never forget.

Go Bison!

Jean (Anderson) Warner,

MHS Class of ‘74

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