Latest and best from league bowling in McCook

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The latest results from league bowling at TJ’s Family Fun Center where nobody has to worry about Taylor Swift’s favorite team getting better treatment.

Men’s Major

Rednecks 106.5-42.5

Maris General 99.5-50.5

Glass Express 90.5-59.5

Burton Well Drllng80.5-69.5

Git ’Em All 72.5-77.5

Diamond Vogel 70-77

TJ’s Family Fun 68.5-81.5

Thursday Night Pints 67-83

The Krips 64-86

Fullmomentum 62.5-87.5

W.E.C. 57-90

Quality Irrigation 54.5-95.5


Scratch games: Red Necks 1039, Diamond Vogel 1023, Quality Irrigation 1015. Handicap games: The Krips 1198m Diamond Vogel 1197, Thursday Nite Pints 1180. Scratch series: Diamond Vogel 2911, Quality Irrigation 2839, Rednecks 2831. Handicap series: Diamond Vogel 3433, Thursday Nite Pints 3357, Quality Irrigation 3304.


Scratch games: Jeremy Lytle 278, Ron Maris 256, Jerron Ruzicka 244. Scratch series: Jeremy Lytle 749, Ron Maris 656, Scot McConville 622. Handicap games: Drew Harvie 297, Tom Cash 279, Jeremy Lytle 278. Handicap series: Drew Harvie 765, Jeremy Lytle 749, Tony Rice 714.

Weekly over


Games: Drew Harvie +81, Tom Cash +62, Jeremy Lytle +59. Series: Drew Harvie +117, Jeremy Lytle +92, Tony Rice +60.


high averages

Ron Maris 215.4, Darrin Samway 207.73, Jericca Lewis 205.4.

High individual

match points

Ron Maris 14, Keith Andrews 11, Jericca Lewis 10.

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