McCook Fire Chief Harpham on force for over three decades

Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Fire Chief Marc Harpham catches his breath in his office between calls.
Anna LaBay/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — McCook City Fire Chief Marc Harpham has been a part of the firefighting community for over thirty years. His journey began in 1990 when he joined as a full-time firefighter, and he eventually earned the position of Fire Chief in 2001.

The McCook Fire Department has a unique blend of paid firefighters/paramedics and dedicated volunteers. Currently, the team comprises ten paid members, including Chief Harpham, alongside approximately 20 volunteers who selflessly serve the community. “Of the volunteers, Harpham says, “They are only volunteers until that pager goes off, and once that pager goes off, we’re all on the same level.”

“It’s a brotherhood,” Harpham said. “When you talk to people who retire from the fire service, they’ll tell you they miss the camaraderie.”

Chief Harpham acknowledges the immense commitment and sacrifice of full-time firefighters and volunteers, describing them as part of a tightly-knit brotherhood with deep camaraderie. Despite their challenges, the team’s unity and professionalism shine through in their dedication to serving the community.

Emphasizing the importance of training, Chief Harpham highlights that the team’s focus goes beyond just fighting fires. With only about 20% of their calls being fire-related and even fewer involving structural fires, most are ambulance calls. This underscores the critical need for continuous training and preparedness. Harpham said, “The more you train, the more muscle memory you have, the more situations you put people in that they need to react to, the better off they’re going to perform, and they have to do it for real.”

The department has established a dedicated training site known as “Area 51,” equipped with various props, including an old trailer home and specially designed roofs for practical exercises to enhance their skill set. Currently, they are constructing a multi-level simulated structure to provide firefighters with a more realistic training environment.

Training is a top priority for McCook firefighters. They have mandatory monthly sessions covering fire and EMS protocols. These sessions are open to volunteers within their mutual aid district, fostering a culture of collaboration and shared knowledge.

Chief Harpham has been a Mid Plains Community College adjunct instructor for over 20 years, lending his expertise to EMT and CPR classes. He has worked with students from all over the world.

Reflecting on the evolving landscape of emergency response, Chief Harpham highlights the advancements in medical procedures and equipment that have revolutionized pre-hospital care. With the impending arrival of a new ambulance equipped with cutting-edge features, such as airbags and restraints for medics, the department continues to adapt to meet the ever-changing needs of its community.

As they strive to save lives and make a difference, the McCook Fire Department embodies a spirit of resilience, teamwork, and unwavering dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of those they serve; in a world where every second counts, these heroes stand ready to answer the call, exemplifying the true meaning of service and sacrifice.

If you know a Firefighter that we should feature, email us at

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  • Good man. Good chief

    -- Posted by dberrynebraska on Tue, Aug 27, 2024, at 3:35 PM
  • Great leader

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Tue, Aug 27, 2024, at 4:32 PM
  • Harp is a Fire Chief that is well respected by his community and surrounding communities, that is very important.

    -- Posted by michaelh.1155 on Tue, Aug 27, 2024, at 7:20 PM
  • We are fortunate to have Harpham as our Fire Chief. Thank you Marc.

    -- Posted by kflaska on Mon, Sep 2, 2024, at 10:43 PM
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