Letter to the Editor

Will we survive the next seven months?

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Dear Editor,

It is said that an ancient Chinese curse reads: “May you live in interesting times” … Well, my friends, here we stand.

Despite the mainstream media’s disgracefully disingenuous efforts to portray otherwise, most Americans are now aware that President Joe Biden’s cognitive decline was and is far more advanced than party operatives would have us believe. As if to emulate Hurricane Beryl’s destructive course through the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, the demands that Biden end his re-election campaign now converge from all points within the Left’s political ocean, growing more intense daily. But, unlike the limited potential of a hurricane, the political cyclone spawned by the Democrat machine, aided by its sycophantic prevaricators in the press, has the unconstrained potential to inflict profound damage across the globe. In that light, and to those in the mainstream media who conspired to conceal the travesty that is the Biden White House, I reply with the line so exasperatingly uttered by Oliver Hardy: “Well, here’s another fine mess you’ve gotten us into!”

However, the present political chaos is no laughing matter, and begs the question: If President Biden is so cognitively compromised that there now exists an increasingly hostile cacophony – sounded from Left-leaning media, Democrat congressional leaders, and major Democrat donors alike – that he end his re-election campaign … How is it then any less problematic that he remain president for the next seven months, until his term ends in January 2025?

If President Biden’s mental faculties are sufficiently reduced so as to make him incapable of performing a 90-minute one-on-one debate with his foremost political rival, former President Donald Trump – and with the debate rules stacked in Biden’s favor – then how can he realistically be capable of fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of the presidency? More importantly, as Commander and Chief, can he be trusted with our nation’s defense? Is it unreasonable to seriously consider that our enemies – China, Russia and North Korea – are now asking themselves whether a more advantageous time may ever again come, that they may accomplish their plans of expansion and conquest, than that window of opportunity which exists within these next seven months? If we are honest, the answer is plain enough.

As much as I dislike this cognitively impaired figurehead that is President Joe Biden, the treatment to which he is being subjected amounts to elder abuse. But, should he resign, those who stand the most to lose are the Obama holdovers who populate his Administration – and who likely call the shots behind the scenes. You may include “Doctor” Jill Biden in this shameless pack of shysters, since she obviously cannot bear the loss of privilege that comes with being First Lady. And it is Jill, more than all others, whose influence is the greatest over Joe as to whether he will bow out. The obsession to retain power explains why these desperados would have us all believe that the American People do not elect a president – an individual, in whom is vested all the powers of the Executive branch – but rather an “administration,” as though the United States was not a representative Republic but a parliamentary system with a coalition government.

I realize that President Biden’s resignation would lead to a “President Kamala Harris” – a woman whose single most demonstrable skill is the public serving of nonsensical word salads, and who more often sounds as though she has gotten into Hunter Biden’s stash of weed, or something more potent. For Republicans, her elevation may seem a comical opportunity to gain greater advantage in the November elections. However true that point may be, the reality for the American people is more sobering: there is nothing “comical” about the awful predicament the Democrat Party and its fellow travelers have foisted upon the United States and its allies in an increasingly unstable and violent world.

Will We Survive the Next Seven Months? Only God knows.

Bruce Desautels

Stratton, Neb.

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  • From the master chef

    -- Posted by hulapopper on Wed, Jul 10, 2024, at 6:49 AM
  • I can't Believe that in all of America, we can't find anybody better than these two to vote for. What a dark Comedy.

    -- Posted by Keda46 on Thu, Jul 11, 2024, at 8:46 PM
  • Yes, and the democratic party is having serious debates over who the Candidate should be.

    As opposed to the Republican Party that is having no such debate over a convicted felon/rapest/lying/immoral/Insurrectionst candidate.

    Sorry, I'll take a President with Morals, who actually gets things done, but mixes up a few sentences; versus an immoral, boastful, do nothing, scare mongering liar..

    -- Posted by haneyg on Fri, Jul 12, 2024, at 2:42 PM
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