High school sweethearts help continue local legacy

Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Michal and Angie Swanson cut the ribbon held by daughters Tenley and Raegan at the McCook Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Anna LaBay/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — Nestled within the walls of a funeral home, stories unfold, memories intertwine, and lives echo with tales of love and loss. Amidst these solemn spaces, a unique narrative thrives — the story of the new owners of one of the oldest businesses in McCook, Herrmann Jones Funeral Chapel. 

Michal and Angie Swanson met in High School and continued their relationship in college. Angie planned to join the FBI, and Michal was to be a golf course superintendent.

Nearing Graduation, Angie was steadfastly planning to go to training in Quantico when Michal called to tell her that he had a new calling. Angie remembers, “I was going to be an FBI agent. I was already two years ahead of him in college. And he called me one day and said he wanted to be a funeral director and I’m like, no.” Angie added, “He was two years into college and changed his major. I was getting ready to graduate with my criminal justice degree.” Not only that, Angie was petrified of funerals and had only ever been to one — her grandmother’s, of which she begged her mom not to make her go. 

She also did not want to return to small-town Nebraska, but here they are in a city of under 8,000, working side by side at the funeral home they now own together, and she loves it. 

Michal shared at the McCook Chamber of Commerce Ribbon cutting, “We’re excited to take over for Jim and Donna, to continue on their legacy and the Herrmann families.”

Because of that legacy, they will not be changing the name.

Jim Jones and Donna Hall are still involved and have helped make the transition to the new owners seamless. 

Angie began working with Michal in October of 2023; working together has given Angie a new view of her husband. She says, “I like seeing him in this capacity because I’ve never seen him work a funeral until I started working here. “

Pride fills her eyes as she looks over at him. “I have people come up to me to say, ‘Your husband took such good care of us,’ to watch him do this and do what he loves. I see why he loves it so much.”

Michal says working together has strengthened their relationship and given them a new understanding. He says,  “There are times when you come home and your bucket’s empty because you’ve given all of yourself to the people you’re serving.” 

“I like seeing him in this capacity because I’ve never really seen him work a funeral until I started working here,” Angie says.

“He listens to the stories and asks in-depth questions because Michael wants to know every person he serves.” Micheal adds, “I love people. I love trying to help people. I think that every life does deserve to be remembered and celebrated.” 

Michal and Angie’s approach to their work is rooted in empathy and professionalism. As Micheal modestly puts it, “We do our best to support these families in any way we can, to answer their questions, and to provide the guidance they need.”

Their goal is simple: to be there for the families they serve, to offer genuine support, and to lead with kindness and honesty. This approach is what sets them apart and makes their work so impactful. 

The people they work with are grieving, and they do their best to help guide them through the decisions that have to be made.

Angie recalls planning her mom’s funeral and the importance of having that help and the importance of having the funeral. 

“It’s closure, and that’s why funerals are so important.” 

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  • Congratulations. The new owners are also very active in helping McCook be a great place to live.

    -- Posted by dberrynebraska on Thu, Jul 4, 2024, at 8:56 AM
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