Letter to the Editor

A new tax revolt

Friday, June 21, 2024

Are you satisfied with your property valuation? The time has come to revolt. Nebraskans will never be heard until we collectively decide to protest our valuations. Protesting valuations is the most cost-efficient way to lead a tax rebellion. Therefore, I want to encourage every property owner in Nebraska to file a protest. Form 422 must be delivered in person to the county clerk or mailed with a postmark no later than June 30, 2024. Instructions for filing and Form 422 can be found on the Nebraska Department of Revenue’s website at https://revenue.nebraska.gov. Let this be the year when our elected officials hear our collective cry against unabated and ever-increasing property taxes.

Sen. Steve Erdman, LD 47

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  • Yes, by all means, listen to this Senator who is so devoid of any original ideas that he felt the need to attend the, Americans for Prosperity Institute, that the Koch family funds. Haven’t you ever wondered where Erdman, Halloran and Murman ( let’s not forget the booger eating photographer) get their crazy ideas? This is the same man who stood on the unicameral floor and declared that there was nothing special about George Norris.

    -- Posted by hulapopper on Sun, Jun 23, 2024, at 6:37 AM
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  • The only way to really reduce property tax is to cut spending. Cut spending by consolidating school districts with fewer than 195 students K-12 and counties with fewer than 10,000 people

    -- Posted by dberrynebraska on Tue, Jun 25, 2024, at 2:26 PM
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