City Pays $3.186 Million for Sports Complex Property

Thursday, June 20, 2024

McCOOK, Neb. - In the last printing, the McCook Gazette incorrectly reported the purchase price for the new Sports Complex land and future development.

The city clarified the actual price paid for the 127 acre property was $3,186,000.00, with plans to repurpose it for future recreational, residential, retail, and commercial use, aiming to enhance its value.

The decision to purchase the land, which was owned by John Walters, came after a thorough cost analysis, highlighting the significant savings and potential for additional grants.

City Manager Nate Schneider explained that while previously proposed donated land would have required costly infrastructure extensions, acquiring the Walters’ property allowed for more control and financial benefits.

Schneider emphasized the city’s commitment to moving the project forward efficiently while considering the impact on taxpayers. The community’s input is valued, as demonstrated by a recent public hearing where no comments were made, signaling confidence in the city’s decision-making process.

“We have been diligent in our approach to ensure that we fulfill our promises while safeguarding taxpayer interests,” Schneider stated. “Purchasing the land opens up opportunities for grants and better planning, aligning with our original intentions.”

The city’s proactive stance in securing the land and exploring various funding options reflects a strategic approach to long-term development goals.

With a focus on transparency and fiscal responsibility, McCook City staff looks ahead to creating a vibrant space for the community to enjoy.

For inquiries, the City of McCook can be reached at (308)345-2022.

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