Electrical fire forces two families out of duplex homes

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
The cleanup has begun at the site of Monday’s fire.
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — In the early hours of Monday, June 17, the City of McCook Fire Department responded to a report of smoke at a residence in the 1100 block of West Third Street.

The call came in at approximately 12:31 am, with residents of a two-story duplex reporting smoke and a burning odor in their apartments.

Upon arrival, firefighters promptly ensured the evacuation of all occupants. The source of the smoke was traced to the attic space shared by both apartments, where a fire had ignited.

The initial flames were swiftly extinguished, but the nature of the fire necessitated extensive overhaul operations to remove smoldering insulation and identify any remaining hot spots. Firefighters spent a significant amount of time performing salvage and overhaul tasks to ensure the fire was fully out.

The fire was determined to be electrical in origin. The damage to the structure is estimated to be around $40,000 with $20,000 in damage to the contents.

The occupants have been relocated and are receiving assistance from the American Red Cross.

The response involving 10 firefighters, one truck, one engine, two ambulances, a rescue truck, and a command vehicle.

The crew remained on the scene for approximately two and a half hours, ensuring the fire was thoroughly extinguished and the area was safe.

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  • McCook has a wonderful fireEMT dept

    -- Posted by dberrynebraska on Fri, Jun 21, 2024, at 3:08 PM
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