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McCook business promotions - just prior to 1893 stock market crash
Thursday, May 30, 2024
In 1893, McCook was a thriving community seeking to establish itself as the commerce center in Southwest Nebraska. The ads placed in the 1893 McCook Columbian Souvenir published by the McCook Times-Democrat showed the many businesses available to consumers. Here are a few examples.
BUY CHEAP LAND: Unimproved land, $6 to $10 per acre; Improved land, $10 to $15 per acre. Immense Crops of Wheat, Oats, Corn, Barley, Rye, Hay and Vegetables were raised here the last two years. No charge to show land. City and Farm Property for Sale and Rent. Rents collected for non-residents. Fair dealing and Courteous Treatment. For further particulars address, C. J. Ryan, Real Estate and Insurance. McCook, Nebraska.
W. J. Palmer’s Shaving Parlor, No. 112, Main Street, McCook, Neb. Also, breeder of S. C. Brown Leghorn Chickens. Eggs for Hatching in Season.
LENHART’S Steam Laundry. Prices Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Give us a Call. J. Lenhart, Proprietor.
S. Seaman, Groceries and Provisions, Crockery, Glassware and Queensware, Candies and Confections. West Dennison St.
J. Albert Wells, Wholesale and retain dealer in: Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets. Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. J. Albert Wells, McCook, Neb.
Commercial Hotel. Etter & Miller, Proprs. McCook, Neb. Rates, $2.00 per day. All of the Modern Conveniences. Tables not surpassed. Owing to climatic conditions, this city is becoming a great resort of invalids who desire stopping over before reaching the mountains.
Mrs. L. Adamire, Restaurant. Oysters In Every Style. Fish and Game in season. Meals at all hours. South Main Avenue.
William Huber, McCook, Neb. Carpet Laying, Packing…Household Goods, and Queensware a Specialty…Prompt attention given to all orders given at Pade & Son Furniture Store on Main Street.
Joseph Reizenstein Manufacturer of Fine Havana Cigars. BRANDS: Havana Trade, Columbus, grand Union B. of R. T., Billiard and Pool Tables, Pleasant Rooms. 20,000 Cigars per Month. Employing 5 hands. Under the Boston Shoe Store, McCook, Neb.
Blue Front Livery Stable, Oldest Barn in City, D. J. Smith, Prop., 106 Washington St., McCook, NEB. South of the M’Entee Hotel.
G.W. Predmore, R. J. Predmore, Established 1886, PREDMORE BROS., General Blacksmithing and Forging Works. Our specialties-Fine Plow Work, Carriage Work, Horse Shoeing, plain and scientific, All kinds machine work, Awnings furnished and hung, General repairing, etc., Rough and finished carriage stock, Hardwood lumber, Mowers, Binders and Windmill repairs. Machinery bought and sold. Shops: 314-318 West Dennison St., McCook, Neb.
Low Prices, Soaring Goods. Fair Maidens and Stalwart Youths, Old Men and Matrons all trade at our store because they know they will obtain everything at fair and reasonable prices. Boston Shoe Store, Ed. L. Laycock, Propr.
Although there is no date on the McCook Columbian Souvenir, since there is an ad by the B & M R.R., Burlington Route to attend the World’s Fair also called the World’s Columbian Exposition, to attend the event opening on May 1, 1893, we must assume that it was published prior to that date. Little did these eager advertisers know that on May 5, 1893, a crash on the New York Stock Exchange would herald a depression. Lasting three years the depression was bad, but the drought that struck Southwest Nebraska during that same period affected the backbone of the community, namely, agriculture.
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