Masons lay cornerstone for McCook Aquatic Park

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette Grand Master John B. Ferguson of Kimball conducts the symbolic cornerstone-laying ceremony for McCook’s new Aquatic Park on Saturday, assisted by many other officers of the Grand Lodge of the Free Masons of Nebraska.
Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — In a symbolic gesture echoing centuries of tradition, the Masons of Nebraska gathered on Saturday to lay the cornerstone for the upcoming McCook Aquatic Park. Located at 500 East M Street in McCook, Nebraska, the ceremony marked a significant milestone in the construction of the community’s newest recreational facility.

Led by Grand Master John Ferguson of Kimball, Nebraska, alongside officers representing various regions of the state, the event paid homage to a custom dating back hundreds of years, which saw even the likes of George Washington, a Mason himself, laying the cornerstone of the nation’s capital in 1793.

Established in 1885, McCook Lodge boasts a membership of 105 individuals, contributing to the nearly 8,000 Masons spread across 84 communities in the state.

In 2023, McCook Lodge saw fit to donate $250,000 toward the McCook Aquatic Park, which, combined with a grant from the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, made it possible for the project to include a competitive swimming pool in addition to a recreational pool, according to City Manager Nate Schneider.

Besides the Masonic Lodge, Schneider acknowledged the assistance of entities like the Nebraska Department of Economic Development as well as the McCook Community Foundation Fund, which provided funding and support, plus City Council members, the construction company, staff members, engineers, and financial partners who were involved in making the project a reality.

The McCook Lodge, alongside York Rite and Eastern Star, announced the provision of nine scholarships for area high school seniors in 2024, ranging from $500 to $1,000 each. Additionally, their philanthropic endeavors extend to supporting initiatives such as Meals on Wheels, T-Ball, and the McCook Hospital Foundation, among others.

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