MPCC rodeo team sets dates for big spring event

Thursday, February 8, 2024

NORTH PLATTE, Neb. — The Mid-Plains Community College Rodeo Team will host its annual spring fundraiser rodeo in McCook March 8-9.

Performances are open to the public. They will begin at 7 p.m. each night at the Kiplinger Arena at the Red Willow County Fairgrounds. Slack is scheduled for noon March 8 and at 10 a.m. March 9.

Admission for the regular performances is $10 per person with the exception of children 12 and younger – who will be admitted free.

Concessions and team merchandise will be for sale both days. Proceeds will go toward a combination of scholarships, practice equipment and travel expenses for rodeo team members.

The fundraiser is sanctioned by the Kansas Pro Rodeo Association and the Nebraska State Rodeo Association. It is sponsored in part by a grant from Red Willow County Tourism.

Phillips Rodeo Company is the stock contractor.

Entries can be submitted online at beginning March 1. They can be called in March 3 to (620) 275-1655 or (620) 260-9845.

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