
Denise McConville

Frolics in Farming

Observations on farm life.


City, country living and 'Bidenomics'

Thursday, July 20, 2023

INDIANOLA, Neb. - One of the downfalls of living in the country is the distance involved in driving to town. One must spend more money on fuel just to go to church, school, or the grocery store. Then of course there is the time involved in planning one’s trip, making all the errand stops and getting everything done before driving home.

There are also a lot of upsides to living on the farm. I have lived in both rural and city localities and I would say I love the country the most. I like that the neighbors don't have to know everything that I do in my yard; that I can have my pets in our yard without fear of intrusion; and that I can shovel snow or not if I choose. Of course, it can also be said that one’s happiness is what we make it so the location may not really be the most important thing.

This is where I complain about "Bidenomics" - the needless failing of our economy; the lack of energy independence; and the unnecessary increase to the cost of everything from groceries, parts, and medications; as well as the lack of people willing to work - all because of this administration’s hapless policies. Not to mention the increase in the interest rates which is very detrimental to the middle-class workers, and we still have political incompetents that deny this is the worst president in the history of our country. He's actually a clown puppet being controlled by the deep state.

Unfortunately, I did vote for slick Willie so bear some responsibility of his bad policies, however, I was not responsible for either O'Bummer or Two-Faced Joe's horrendous policies. I found a cute hat with a slogan that says, "all the morons that voted for Biden owe me reparations for the money we've lost since he's been in office." In my opinion that seems only fair!

Anyone that has actually read the student forgiveness deal that Biden said in 2021 wasn't legal (but he signed anyway) would agree with the Supreme Court ruling.

We had to pay my student loans and make sure our kids’ loans were paid. So it's only fair folks have to pay for their own education. The people that choose to go to work instead of school shouldn't be responsible for other people’s debts. Taxes are bad enough! And yet these crooked politicians are planning to bypass the court’s ruling with some higher education plan which actually only helps the elite and not the middle-class taxpayers.

Combine this with the affirmative action ruling, which in my opinion was nothing but reverse racism at its core. The court really has followed the Constitution by taking one’s skin color out of the admissions equation!

The left Democrats still don't see that excellence is what our society should strive for and NOT what's yours is mine whether you agree or not! Make these colleges use their endowment money and lower everybody’s tuition.

Farmer Tom and I laugh all the time about the so-called golden years that were supposed to be something to look forward to. I'm sure the Biden family has made so much money now that they won't ever have to steal again. Not to be a negative Nancy, but if the last three years of this administration is anything to go by, our retirement and old age is going to be awful for the working middle class.

Have a Good One!

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