Daring late play helps Juniors win 7-6 over Reds

Friday, July 1, 2022
McCook Legion Post 203 shorstop Bryson Gullion scored the decisive run in a 7-6 First Central Bank win over Cozad Reds Thursday night at Cozad.
Rebecca Steward/Syndicate Publishing

COZAD, Neb. — Quentin Terry struck out eight through three innings and trust turned into a McCook First Central Bank victory.

Tied 6-6 on Thursday, coach James Mockry saw two of his most pressure-tested players take charge during FCB’s last at-bat.

Lincoln Michaelis had reached third base when Bryson Gullion began wandering off first.


The classic double steal drew a throw from Cozad’s pitcher to catch Gullion in a rally-stopping rundown.

Or so the Reds thought.

“There were two outs, so if they get us there, we probably lose,” Mockry admitted. “But I trust those guys. They did it on their own.”

Michaelis quickly left third base and made his dash to home plate.

The Reds shifted their focus into home — but no fast enough as Michaelis slid safely for a 7-6 FCB lead.

McCook still needed three more outs since host Cozad batted last .

It was no problem with Terry firing strikes through his first pitching effort since Memorial Day weekend at the Kearney Tournament.

Terry’s been battling shoulder trouble since that previous holiday, focusing instead on playing first base and delivering big hits.

Yet all FCB fans saw a great sign with the area tournament beginning one week from today.

Terry finished his eighth strikeout during three innings of relief, meaning only one Cozad out came on a ball hit into play.

“He (Terry) looked great,” Mockry confirmed.

Both Terry and Michaelis totaled a team-leading three hits.

The Juniors (9-14 record) secured this victory going into Fourth Of July weekend.

They’ll play one more regular-season game at Minden Tuesday (5:30 p.m.) before the area playoffs.

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