McCook native rules Community Hospital Pro-Am

Monday, June 6, 2022
Courtesy Photo

McCOOK, Neb. — McCook native Brandon Crick shot rounds of 66 and 67 to win the 33rd annual Community Hospital Pro-Am championship at Heritage Hills last weekend.

Crick had a blast capturing the Ron Coleman Memorial Horse Race title Friday afternoon.

"Ron meant a lot to me," Crick proclaimed. "I wouldn't be playing today if it wasn't for him. He was a special person and it was a special win."

Crick played his first Pro-Am at Heritage in several years. He helped McCook High win two Class B state team titles before moving on to Gonzaga University and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

The Bison alum was back home following an excellent Top 10 finish at a recent Korn Ferry Tour stop in Illinois.

Watch for more details and Community Hospital Pro-Am results soon. They're also likely appearing in Tuesday's edition of the McCook Gazette.

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