She broke McCook High's all-time record for steals!

Monday, January 17, 2022
Senior Peyton Doucet (1) breaks away with a steal while freshman Brooklyn Gillen (left) gets started on the McCook Bison fast break at Minden Saturday.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — Senior Peyton Doucet broke the McCook High girls' all-time record for career steals, coach Amy Scheil confirmed this morning.

Doucet set a new Bison mark during her seven-steal performance in Friday's 57-52 home win over Hastings. She promptly stole the ball eight more times at Minden Saturday afternoon although McCook fell short, 62-48.

She also holds McCook High's all-time volleyball record for career digs.

Watch for more details about the Bison in Tuesday's Gazette.

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