
Dealing with lost children

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

It was a beautiful clear and warm fall afternoon. I walked out the backside to the alley trash container. Looking toward the street I spied a handsome little boy about 20 months of age pointing and hollering “ehuh, ehuh”. Solo. No adult in sight. Friendly and well dressed, nice haircut, I approached and he was happy to point out things and exclaim “ehuh”. Too young to even know his name.

I walked him up to our front porch and sat in our Tom Conroy fashioned porch swing. He was happy to just swing “ehuh” and point. I then called the police department for assistance. She dispatched an officer. A lady, neighbor, walked by unnoticing. Then I noted a pretty young lady approaching my waved invitation. Obviously, she was the mom by the response of both. I introduced myself and told her that I had called the police. Frightful frown. She then explained that she had gone to the bathroom and when she came out she couldn’t find her little man. Just then the officer pulled up in his unmarked car.

Somehow the little guy had learned to unlock the door and made his escape when she was out of sight so he could go for a little stroll. She was horrified to note that he had crossed the street. Other patrolmen had been dispatched to circle and look for a distraught mom searching for her child but the situation was well in hand by then so they were cancelled by radio.

At the officer’s invite the mom picked up her little guy who was reluctant –he liked my swing. Together the threesome walked back to her house about a block away. Later the officer told me how the little guy had given him a tour, showed how he could unlock the doors and even showed him the garage out back. The officer’s suggestion to the mom was to install some additional locks on the doors up out of the reach of her precocious child.

Business as usual for a small-town police force in rural Nebraska. Think though of something similar happening in one of our large cities—those who are trying to defund the police. Yes there are good people also who live in those places but we can also imagine perverts and no police presence available? Horrible for a mom to imagine.

Four hundred fifty thousand dollars. Yes that is what some functionary in the Biden Administration has proposed for each individual illegal immigrant, border crosser, which was separated from his/her/their children by the Border Patrol along our southern border. Purportedly there are no strings attached, just a cash check for that amount to each individual for the emotional trauma that the separation caused.

Of course, that insane gift of money will come from federal tax money that we will have paid into the U.S. Treasury. Will they ask those of us who have to pay if we agree to the gift to those families that have entered illegally? Yeah right! Still, if our representatives in Congress don’t kill that idiotic proposal I have a suggestion on how that expense can better serve our country.

I’d suggest that the billion or so dollar program could be spent to set up a series of schools for those immigrant children. Schools that would teach English, our version of the language that is actually spoken in America today. Not only English but also the other subjects that their native-born peers have been taught in school. Therefore those illegal immigrant children would be better able to compete in their future job market and become productive persons. No doubt they will eventually be granted amnesty and will be able to vote Democrat out of appreciation. At least that must be the hope of the out-of-touch present government in their ever quest for more and more power.

I also wonder how all those million or so illegal immigrants that are being distributed to communities all over the USofA are going to sustain themselves long term. The last I knew it is illegal for a company to hire an illegal immigrant unless that immigrant is in the possession of a green card. Yes, I know the illegals are given work all the time and paid under the table but all that does is depress wages for the plethora of unskilled workers that already are citizens. The whole initiative doesn’t seem to be very well thought out but somehow there must be a political advantage to our politicians who are pushing such crazy ideas.

The governor’s race taking place in Virginia today will be fun to watch and may indicate a healthy trend for our future. Green policies and global warming are nebulous ideas to most of us but every parent has their children’s education close to their heart. In a couple of years we too will get to vote for the good of our future.

That is how I saw it.

Dick Trail

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  • As I read it, US Companies are having a hard time finding workers.. Why not issue these migrants work-VISA's so companies can hire them.. I have a good friend in Lincoln NE that has many openings and cannot find workers to fill the slots.. If he does get an interview setup, many times the workers do not show up.. FOXNews falsehood (e.g immigrants depress wages)..

    -- Posted by haneyg on Tue, Nov 2, 2021, at 6:44 PM
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