The 'New' health standards: A dissolution of innocence
Dear Editor,
“The common characteristic of all perversions, on the other hand, is that they have abandoned reproduction as their aim. We term sexual activity perverse when it has renounced the aim of reproduction and follows the pursuit of pleasure as an independent goal. And so, you realize that the turning point in the development of sexual life lies in its subjugation to the purpose of reproduction. Everything this side of the turning point, everything that has given up this purpose and serves the pursuit of pleasure alone, must carry the term “perverse” and as such be regarded with contempt.” – Sigmund Freud
In their latest iteration of Health Standards, the Nebraska State Board of Education (NSBE) creates an imagined equality between what is sacred, fruitful, the foundation of human society – and that which is depraved, sterile and intrinsically violent to human nature. In their zeal to champion “inclusiveness” and “equity” the NSBE subverts the Natural Law and the family – the only foundation upon which a nation can long stand.
The Board’s denial of implementing the Planned Parenthood (PP) Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) format is intellectually dishonest. Core terms and principles used in the NSBE’s health standards match those of the CSE curriculum, and reflect the design established by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SEICUS) and the Kinsey Institute. CSE divorces morality from sexuality, and the procreative act from its intended end. Human sexuality is reduced to acts of mutual masturbation, having any combination of participants. With the natural intent for which the complementary sexes are designed defeated, there is no sex, no conjugal love; only the cold bareness of the individual made the object of another’s lust. Such behavior is not “responsible sex;” rather it is indifference to our humanity, which ideally should reflect our Creator.
More dangerous in its potential for encouraging destructive behavior is the Board’s relativism towards sodomy. Compared with the general population, homosexuals have higher frequencies of domestic violence, sexual assault, drug abuse and suicide. Sodomite behavior is destructive to physical and psychological well-being; yet, under the proposed standards, we are to accept such as normal sexual practice, on par with marital intimacy.
Sodomy is fundamentally closed to life; and by definition is not sex. The argument that such acts equate to the procreative union of husband and wife, living under the bond of marriage, is self-refuting. Marriage, ordained by God, is unique in its procreative capacity and the distinct but complimentary benefits provided the child through father and mother – a truth the NSBE ignores. By its efficacy, marriage establishes bloodlines – a genetic heritage, whose connections represent the bonds of human society: parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Homosexual unions provide no continuum; rather, being intrinsically and socially sterile, they create a genetic disconnect. Such practices beget a nation devoid of the bonds created by genuine families, and thus a nation without identity. Homosexual unions, whether formed by men or women, are a metaphysical dead end; and thus, sodomites increase their number only by seduction, which is why their propaganda targets the young – yet the NSBE promotes this agenda under the pretense of “sexual health.”
The notion that one may achieve the ideal self by absorbing the personality of another human through sexual coupling is the essential nature of homosexual behavior. This is why the homosexual appetite and all other forms of sexual deviancy are insatiable. The ego can never believe it has obtained what it unjustly desires; and so, the deviant endlessly exploits others to acquire what he or she can never possess. The need to fill a perceived emptiness compels promiscuity, even while pretending committed relationships are possible. The NSBE turns this salient point on its head – under the presumption that children “are going to do it anyway.”
Redefining marriage and indoctrinating children into the practices of sodomy, transgenderism, masturbation, and the pretense of “safe” sex has nothing to do with equality, safe relationships, or academic achievement; but everything to do with transforming American society and cultural institutions to reflect and promote depravity.
Incorporating the SIECUS “safe sex” agenda, whose directive is to mandate the Planned Parenthood CSE curriculum for public and private schools at all levels, will increase rates of STIs, STDs, and teen pregnancies.
Abortionists will then have greater opportunity to savage our daughters and the unborn. The age of consent will be lowered, then abolished, because there is no more desired target for seduction than innocence.
Adopting the NSBE’s proposed “health standards” is neither educational for our children, nor charitable to those burdened by same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria. CSE and its clones are works of indifference to authentic human sexuality. Implementing any version of them for use in Nebraska’s schools will only codify the dissolution of innocence, and further accelerate the cultural rot that is destroying America.
Bruce C. Desautels
Stratton, Neb.