'Nebraska Speaks Out' plans 30x30 event including Gov. Ricketts, Trent Loos

Friday, May 14, 2021
Trent Loos

McCOOK, Neb. -- A local group called “Nebraska Speaks Out” will host national speaker Trent Loos next week in McCook as well as Gov. Pete Ricketts.

Loos will speak about President Joe Biden’s 30x30 executive order of Jan. 27, more commonly called the 30x30 plan.

Organizer Kandie McCauley said Gov. Ricketts' visit was confirmed Friday afternoon.

Gov. Pete Ricketts

The event will be 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Community Building on the Red Willow County Fairgrounds, West 5th and O in McCook.

Loos, who works with the “American Stewards of Liberty” group of Texas, just returned from a “Freedom Festival” in Tulare, Calif., May 8, where he joined Donald Trump Jr. at a fund-raiser sponsored by U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes.

Commissioners from 10 area counties in Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas have been invited to attend.

“Mr. Loos will be educating all concerned citizens including farmers and ranchers and county commissioners about the 30x30 land grab; what it is, what we can expect, and what we can do to stop it,” according to organizers. Special surprise guests may also be in attendance.

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  • Because, whenever I think of "education" I think of a swarthy cowboy with a handlebar mustache and a bandana that reads "Meet me in the Casey's restroom, sailor boy."

    "Special surprise guests" include Anthony Scaramucci, the Bruce Desautels Marching Colour Guard, the local chapter of the KKK, David Duke, the ghost of Antonin Scalia, Charo and Tony Orlando and Dawn.

    And Gov. Ricketts... The crowd's all here!

    -- Posted by AxolotlMom on Mon, May 17, 2021, at 8:57 AM
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  • *

    AxolotlMom, Casey's would be too swanky. More like a porta potty.

    Seriously, just look at the two photos. This is where the GOP has regressed to today.


    -- Posted by BlueWillow on Mon, May 17, 2021, at 7:59 PM
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  • Well, NE needs outsiders to come in and explain to them how the party wants them to see things as well as to how to vote. What happened to the NE that was well educated. Obviously the Party doesn't think they are.

    -- Posted by S&P1958 on Wed, May 19, 2021, at 6:47 PM
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