Hole-in-one at Heritage; Men's League tees off

Friday, April 30, 2021

McCOOK, Neb. — Dave Mestl made a hole-in-one at Heritage Hills Monday, using his 7 iron to hit the 150-yard shot on Hole No. 5.

Playing partners Barry Kohl, Mitch Lyster and Bob Gaulke witnessed the Mestl magical shot.

Heritage Hills Men's League

McCOOK, Neb. — Another spring and summer of Heritage League golf began this week:

A League

Gary Thompson Agy 21.5

Studio 205 21

Golight 20.5

Old Sarge’s Bar 19.5

Samway/Michaelis 19

Edward Jones-Rippen 17

Arrow/Kohl Auto 16.5

Hightest Ag 15.5

Red Willow Aviation 15

Coppermill/Loop 14.5

B League

Mead Lumber/CTE 22.5

Community Hospital 21

Hauxwell Motors 21

Pinnacle Bank 19.5

First Central Bank 19.5

MNB Financial Group 18.5

Rocket Inn 17.5

KC Electric 16.5

Murphy’s Cafe 16.5

T Pinkal Construction 15

Aphrodite/GIX Logistics 15

Edward Jones-Priebe 13.5

First flag

prize winners

Longest putt on No. 9: Trevor VanPelt

Closest to the pin on No. 16: Darren Samway

Longest putt on No. 18: Jim Olson

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