Letter to the Editor

Reason for Sasse censure

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Dear Editor,

A correction to your story:

Senator Ben Sasse's "response to alleged 2020 election fraud" (6th paragraph in your story) was not the primary reason for the Resolution of Censure, and eventually passed Resolution of Dissatisfaction and Rebuke.

The Primary motivation that led to the resolutions of censure, as were submitted by several NE-GOP County Chairs, were Sasse's constant and publicly-expressed criticisms of then President Donald Trump, and the senator's involvement in the unconstitutional 2nd impeachment trail of the former president; specifically:

1.) Senator Sasse's vote to proceed with an unconstitutional impeachment trial of private citizen Donald Trump; and

2.) Senator Sasses' vote (at the conclusion of the above cited trial) to convict the former President of "inciting insurrection."

The other aspects of expressed "sadness" and disappointment," as cited in the resolution of "rebuke" against Nebraska's junior senator, such as his denial of election fraud, were secondary in their importance - not the primary cause, as was implied in your reporting of this meeting.

Just wanted to set the record straight.



Bruce Desautels

Stratton, Neb.

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  • 1. The (2nd) Trump Impeachment was constitutional..

    2. Donald Trump did incite insurrection (see Mitch McConnel's statements)..

    3. No significant election fraud was found (See 60+ court cases)..

    So basically you censured a man for being honest about the facts..

    Just wanted to set the record straight.

    -- Posted by haneyg on Tue, Apr 27, 2021, at 4:32 PM
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  • DeSaulets could not make it in Massachuetts so he moved to southwest Nebraska to harass the good people there with his fascist trumpista lies.

    -- Posted by ontheleftcoast on Tue, Apr 27, 2021, at 6:28 PM
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  • *

    Bruciana, why are you such a snowflake?

    Daddy issues like tRump?


    -- Posted by BlueWillow on Tue, Apr 27, 2021, at 7:35 PM
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  • Sasse was and is right! Also, Republicans have proven that allegiance to the Constitution is secondary. The must give full allegiance to Crooking, Lying, Bully, Sex Hound Trump! Most Republicans don't care at all about truth...when Republicans Lie or commit a crime!

    -- Posted by GARYL on Wed, Apr 28, 2021, at 3:53 PM
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  • Can anyone else just SEE Bruce wringing his hands, cracking his knuckles as each bloated finger furiously types out these corrections, lodged in his hobbit hole, stationed safely on the dark side of the internet while wiping the sweat from the rotted lining of his red MAGA hat anytime his precious political party comes under scrutiny? I can. I can smell him, too. The desperation is real.

    -- Posted by AxolotlMom on Mon, May 3, 2021, at 12:26 PM
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