Felling fun returning: only catchers will need masks

Friday, April 23, 2021
Felling Field’s diamond seasons are drawing near with a full season and no restrictions planned in 2021. More details appear below as the opening ceremonies are set for May 7. The full baseball and softball schedule begins that following week.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — Hot dogs, burgers and the traditional parade of teams are all returning for Felling Field’s opening ceremonies on Friday, May 7.

What a welcome sight it will be after the McCook Midget Baseball Association worked through an uncertain, pandemic-shortened 2020.

“There are no current COVID restrictions of any kind,” MMBA director Billy Davidson confirmed. “The season will be played as normal.”

Nothing says summer baseball like the smell of grills sizzling meat with no plans for alternatives like tofu or kale.

The Lions Club members are planning to grill both hamburgers and for those attending May 7 opening ceremonies.

One game will be played that evening leading into the full season schedule starting on Monday, May 10 and continuing through July 2.

“There will be games played at Felling every weeknight in that time frame,” Davidson said. “Depending on weather, of course.”

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