S.V. Eagles lead field of area golfers at Arapahoe

Thursday, April 15, 2021
Hitchcock County’s Aliana Haddix (above) appears to be cheering on her drive’s pursuit of finding the fairway during Arapahoe Invitational golfing on Tuesday. Southern Valley senior Colton Burgeon (below) made a memorable putt to finish his top six day as the Eagles finished second overall among 15 teams.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

ARAPAHOE, Neb. — Perfect chip shots into the final hole capped a sparkling Tuesday where 15 teams competed at the Arapahoe Invitational.

While Elm Creek took the team title, Southern Valley was a solid second and aiming to send its entire lineup into next month’s Class D state tournament.

Colton Burgeson paced the Eagles as he fired an 85 through cool, crisp and occasionally breezy conditions.

R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

Teammate Braxton Hammond shot 88 to join Burgeson among the top 10 golfers.

Southern Valley’s other players finished respectably with Kamden Bose firing 91, Dalton Burgeson 95 and Matt Henderson 97.

The Eagles had enough to outpace Fort Kearney Conference contenders like Loomis, Overton and Amhert.

Medalist Caleb Shaner’s 86 powered the Cambridge Trojans into seventh place with Ethan Sides firing 98 and Cort Fiene at 101.

Grant Taylor of host Arapahoe was just one stroke from the top 10 (89) followed by Ander Wasenius (93).

Weston Morrow from Maywood-Hayes Center matched Taylor’s 89.

Colton Shelton (98) and Kolin Pate (99)paced the Medicine Valley Raiders.

Top 10 teams: 1. Elm Creek 349, 2. Southern Valley 359, 3. Loomis 367, 4. Overton 368, 5. Amherst 369, 6. Pleasanton 386, 7. Cambridge 395, 8. Medicine Valley 414, 9. Hitchcock County 435, 10. Alma 438. Top individuals: 1. Grant McQuay, Alma, 76; 2. Dalton Trampe, EC, 77; 3. Austin Adelung, AMH, 80; 4. Kobe Martenson, PHS, 84; 5. Braden Fleishman, OVER, 84; 6. Colton Burgeson, SV, 85; ; 8. Caleb Shaner, CAM, 86.

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