Letter to the Editor

Bravo, well done, Hayes Center

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Dear Editor,

4/10 A.D. 2021 I read in your paper about the fair city of Hayes Center and it being the “Sanctuary City for the Unborn:

Bravo! Well done! I like it I love it, I wamt same more of it! The fine citizens of Hayes Center can rest easy tonight, Resurrection Eve, knowing that no innocent helpless baby is being brutally murdered as they sleep.

With malice and aforethought. Premeditated. In cold blood. So, off to hell you go. The lake of fire. The sides of the pit. The chambers of death. For eternity, which is a long time. The baby’s spirit and soul go to heaven for eternity.Thank you Jesus there is only one unforgivable sin, and that is to con-tinue to turn your back on God. RUN to Jesus.He is everywhere all the time. Confess. Surrender. Ask The Creator for forgiveness. In the words of Jesus, the Maker and the Breaker,”From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can oppose what I do: Period.


George R. Anderson,

McCook, Neb.

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  • *

    Hey, there, Georgie Girl! So how do you feel about what happens AFTER a child is born?

    I mean we know all your fire and brimstone above are just meant to make you feel morally superior to those who believe in a woman's choice (it has nothing to do with the baby - only to suppress a woman and then brag about it). But one wonders:

    How did you feel when tRump forcibly separated children from parents?

    How do you feel about tRump who let the pandemic spiral out of control killing 500k Americans under his "watch?"

    How do you feel about a conservative majority Supreme Court that could overturn the Affordable Care Act which could end health care coverage for millions of Americans?

    How do you feel about the propagandists who call the existential threat of climate change a hoax?

    Or how about the classic hypocrisy of railing against food stamps and public assistance, only worsening the life quality of the poor?

    No, if there is a hell, your hypocrisy puts you in front of the line. If Jesus comes back, he'll slap you for evoking His name in your sinful distortions.


    As for Hayes Center. Think (try it!). A town under 300. Plenty of facilities where an abortion could safely be had nearby. A pointless law, but obviously done to make the dying Right feel their dying perspectives are remotely relevant today as the world turns on and away from them.

    Bravo, indeed.

    -- Posted by BlueWillow on Thu, Apr 15, 2021, at 7:11 PM
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  • Cue the Loonie Tunes theme for our dear friend, George, and his ride-or-die bestie, Jesus.

    -- Posted by AxolotlMom on Mon, Apr 19, 2021, at 8:43 AM
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