Oxford man takes plea deal; 13th man arrested in underage sex trafficking ring

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

BEAVER CITY, Neb. — An Oxford man will be sentenced for one county of child abuse, a Class 3A felony, after accepting a plea deal in the sex trafficking case in Furnas County.

Jacob Cramer, 22, will be sentenced at 1:15 p.m. July 8 in Furnas County District Court. Under the plea deal, a charge of first-degree sexual assault was amended to the lesser charge.

He is free on a $45,000 bond.

Earlier, a man being held in the Dawson County jail on other charges was charged with two counts of child abuse and one count of being a habitual criminal in connection with the Furnas County sex trafficking case.

Donald Pulliam, 41, is the 13th man charged in connection with the case. No court date on the latest charge is listed.

He faces trial May 11 on unrelated charges of domestic assault, false imprisonment and being a habitual criminal.

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  • And so, yet another sex trafficker gets a plea deal. What kind of deal does the person being trafficked get: a lifetime of memories of being abused by these “men”?!?

    God help us.

    -- Posted by gloriamefford on Tue, Apr 13, 2021, at 4:21 PM
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