Final week decides YMCA Basketball League champions

Friday, April 9, 2021
The McCook 99ers earned their 2021 YMCA Co-Ed League team title with five wins in six games this season. From left are champions Ryan Hardin, Ethan Hardin, David Peterman, Tara Peterman, Shayne Vaught and Emilyne Nichols. Not pictured was Adam Lawson. The 99ers won a thrilling three-point finale.
Courtesy Photo

McCOOK, Neb. — A fun six-week fast break of basketball finished with McCook 99ers and Community Hospital winning YMCA League championships recently.

The 99ers finally separated themselves from winless-but-cohesive Brick Layers, 67-64, which finished their 5-1 Co-Ed League title season.

All champion team members are pictured at right.

Check out the champion Community Hospital which went 4-2 against tough YMCA Men’s League basketball challengers this season. From left, in front are Nile Ureste, Jesse Juenemann, John Rippen and Zach Cook. Back row: Mark Nelms, Clayton Owens, Daniel Arp and Marcus Landry. Not pictured are Matt Chitwood and Tate Stang. Community Hospital clinched the title with an 82-point finale.
Courtesy Photo

The 99ers were tied in first place through five weeks until YMCA won an overtime thriller, 59-58, over 40 Minus 1.

The final Co-Ed League standings:

1. McCook 99ers 5-1

2. 40 Minus 1 4-2

3. YMCA 3-3

4. Brick Layers 0-6

The Men’s League also featured a first-place tie between Community Hospital and McCook 36ersentering their season finales.

However, Community Hospital broke free for a speedy 82-73 victory over Pippen Ain’t Easy.

The 36ers couldn’t keep pace as GTA was ready to spoil any title party plans. They downed the 36ers, 71-60, and pulled into a second-place tie instead.

Final Men’s standings:

1. Comm. Hospital 4-2

2. GTA 3-3

2. McCook 36ers 3-3

4. Pippen Ain’t Easy 2-4

The Gazette thanks McCook YMCA sports director Joe Schlager for providing these results and team photos.

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