Committee work about wrapped up, floor debate to begin

Thursday, March 4, 2021

We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for committees to wrap up their hearings. Starting next week we will have morning debate and the afternoons are reserved for the Judiciary Committee to finish up their hearings and for other committees to have executive sessions. Committees are not only busy wrapping up hearings, but also advancing bills to the legislative floor. Currently, I have 3 bills that are on General File, the first round of debate. LB 616 which would give towers a little help when they get stuck with abandoned vehicles. The other two bills, LB 190, which would change provisions relating to the use of the Water Sustainability Fund and LB 191, which would redefine elector for the Irrigation District Act. Both were adopted by the Natural Resources Committee into one amendment and that was placed on LB 507. In the past I have talked about this procedure of including provisions of multiple bills into one bill, it is called a Christmas tree bill. Only committees can create this.

LB 507 amends the Ethanol Development Act. It would prohibit the use of treated seed corn for ethanol production, because certain pesticides that are used to treat seed corn create a byproduct waste when used for creating ethanol. This byproduct cannot be used for application on ag land or used for livestock consumption.

Another bill that was rolled into LB 507 is LB 395 introduced by Tim Gragert of Creighton. Currently, the Game and Parks Commission can designate special depredation seasons and issue permits for the taking of deer when there is evidence that crops or other property was damaged. This bill would allow for the taking of elk and antelope using the same guidelines as deer. The revenue from the permit fees would go to the landowners to be used for abatement of damage caused by the wildlife.

Each year a few introduced bills receive more attention than others. This year, one of those is a bill introduced by Senator Steve Halloran of Hastings, LB 188, a bill otherwise known as the Adopt the Second Amendment Preservation Act. This bill would prohibit any agency, political subdivision, or their employees, of Nebraska to knowingly and willingly participate in enforcing any federal act, law, order, rule, or regulation regarding a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition if the act, law, order, rule or regulation does not exist under the laws of the state of Nebraska. I have always supported our second amendment rights and will continue to do so.

Please feel free to contact my office with any questions or concerns that you might have. My email address is and my phone number is (402) 471-2805. My office is in room 2108 at the Capitol if you are in the Lincoln area. You can read more about bills and other work of the Legislature at, and you can click on the Live Video Streaming NET logo to watch the session, hearings, and other Capitol events.

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