Letter to the Editor

Get ready America - cause you can’t handle the truth - or can you?

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Dear Editor,

It’s almost December, the November 3 election is not in our rearview mirror, but is soon going to be the biggest story going forward that there has ever been. Whether we care to admit it or not, we, as Americans, have always disagreed about things and right or wrong, we have been tolerant through it all. This toleration has been tolerated to the point , it’s like this: the Good Book says to turn the other cheek so we did-and we did it 70x7 times but now there is no other cheek to turn, we have to either fight back or sit back and accept the mark of the devil that the swamp wants us to embrace.

I for one, just want the truth-as ugly as it might be- it is necessary to be able to recognize it and respond accordingly.

Four years ago all of that cloudy, fuzzy, wonderment went right out the window when our new president-President Trump-turned political correctness on its head and one-by-one he took on all those mucky, yucky things that we had been tolerating for decades. As happy as that made me-I was also very sad to find out that there were so many RINO’s(Republican in name only)that were seated in places of power that could have helped him but who chose not to. Those swamp creatures have polluted just about every sacred, absolute belief we have enjoyed in my lifetime by compromising with the Dem’s, they have diluted our absolute beliefs into absolutely not believing in anything absolutely.

When we want to believe all Americans are good down deep, we have got to be able to see by now that there are people-Americans-that hate America. Get over it folks-all that has to happen for evil to take over is for good people to not stand up and fight against it.

People, IT IS CRUNCH TIME! If you want your kids and grandkids to enjoy the same America you enjoyed, it is past time to stand up and voice your concerns and show the swamp creatures that you mean business about draining the swamp-wherever it may lead.

People, we deserve what comes our way if we don’t change from our apathetic ways of allowing an out of control government to run over us-telling us what we can and can’t do or say or believe in. Remember-Big Government can’t save you -but God can.

I wish I had a magic bullet or easy answer to our dilemma about what happened in the November 3 election but what I have is the ability to see that there are legitimate questions that need answers before we go on with this belief that Biden won this election.

I am not a computer geek or anything close, but I do have some geeky friends that showed me that theft of this election occurred and the proof is right there on the computer screen. In real time-on election night-the thieves were caught by their own stupidity of not understanding how beloved President Trump really was-and just how many Americans would actually come out and vote for him. The thieves had truck loads of bogus ballots ready in the closet but they just couldn’t believe how strong the support for Trump really was, so they were ill-prepared to include them earlier and ended up inserting them in 4,000 or 6,000 vote increments which they dumped into an unwatched count because the poll watchers were kicked out of the way-but the computer could not handle the volume of bogus ballots that had to be added to the count for Biden to over-take Trump so they had to “lose” over 900,000 Trump votes in Pennsylvania for Biden to win after adding over 200,000 bogus votes for Biden. The CIA run computer shows that the Trump votes were “lost” and that the 4,000 to 6,000 vote bundles were added like clock work after all the rest of Pennsylvania had sent in their vote totals-so that the thieves had a hard number to work with-

People, the Dominion Computer apparatus was able to even change 30,000 votes from Trump to Biden in our state of Nebraska, which allowed 1 electoral college vote to go to Biden-this is a big deal-but it has to find its way to the Supreme Court of the United States of America so that all of America can see what really happened in our November 3 election-the fallout is unknown at this time- but if we don’t win-we will never win the White House again. When I say win-I mean a return to paper ballots and the absolute knocking in the head-the notion that because of COVID 19 that elections ought to start early and run late-now we ought to have an ELECTION DAY Holiday that is to be used for voting only and only ON election day. There is no news agency going to take the time and effort to pull out all these details and sequences of events of the November 3 election but we need to demand answers and demand that heads roll when we find out who is running this scam on We the American people. Folks, if you think you are getting the news you need from your media sources-please think again.

President Trump has a massive job to do and the least we can do is be his pep-club by voicing our displeasure of the media coverage or lack thereof- of the November 3 election. Understand this-that the left will be on fire and set fire to everything if this election is overturned-so be ready to defend yourself-cause if you don’t stand up for Trump- he won’t be there to stand up for you.

As a reminder-when it comes out of the Supreme Court it is likely to go to the House of Representatives where each of the 50 states will be allowed 1 vote-there are more states with a Republican majority in the House than states with a majority of Democrats-so-if it comes down to a House vote, it bodes very well for President Trump to remain President for four more years.

Please don’t take this lightly-this is for all the marbles- a Biden presidency will transform America into an unrecognizable nation from the one we live in today. Please make your voices heard- there are no stupid questions-only the unasked ones are stupid.

Live free America,

Barry Richards

Hayes Center, Neb.

Check out these links:

Hammer and Scorecard: ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC live data feed .json analysis for dummies The Truth Channel published Nov 12, 2020




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  • Biden won. Trump challenges keep falling to the side.

    -- Posted by bob s on Tue, Dec 1, 2020, at 3:17 PM
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  • Barry: You've presented an interesting commentary that is remarkably devoid of the very characteristics so terrifying to you people: truth, facts, and reality. You allege some remarkable events without presenting FACTS to legitimize your allegations.

    You do know what FACTS are, don't you, Barry? You do know what TRUTH is, don't you, Barry? Truth and facts do not come from Donald Trump or members of the Trump family nor from the Republican Party, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Ronna McDaniel, on-air personalities of Fox News, One America News, and Newsmax nor from Breitbart, World Net Daily, The Heritage Foundation, or The Daily Caller.

    You've made a terrible error, Randy, that seems to have afflicted millions of Americans who think they are citizens and even present themselves to be ostensible patriots. You and the millions have embraced terminal stupidity as a virtue and that is a fatal flaw in the national security of the United States.

    You've presented a dump truck load of bovine fecal matter as substance to establish a position built upon hot, puffed methane that is emitting foul odors and offensive to responsible, thinking citizens. You have become isolated by your own hand in choosing to follow the demonstrable and repeated lies of Donald Trump. Why would you accept lies and bovine fecal matter, Barry? You have become offensive and repugnant to the national character in so doing.

    Simply put, Barry, you have segregated yourself into the QAnon specter of the public that just cannot accept truth, facts, and reality. You can no longer justify your existence with such a status, Barry, and you will never be able to participate in the betterment of our nation as long as you embrace stupidity as a virtue.

    It's amazing that in the year 2020, people like you willfully and knowingly deny truth, facts, and reality and chose to accept Russian disinformation propagated by Trump and his minions. Why do you hate the United States, Barry?


    -- Posted by Joe Heathen on Tue, Dec 1, 2020, at 5:49 PM
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  • Joe Heathen well said.

    -- Posted by S&P1958 on Wed, Dec 2, 2020, at 7:14 PM
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  • Yes, well said Joe, now Barry go crawl back under your rock, with Dick.

    -- Posted by fit2btied on Thu, Dec 3, 2020, at 8:00 PM
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