Local businesses get some love on Nov. 28

Thursday, November 19, 2020

McCOOK, Neb. — The backbone of communities, small businesses, received a shout-out from the McCook City Council Monday night.

The council approved the proclamation designating Saturday, Nov. 28, 2020, as “Small Business Saturday,” submitted by the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce.

Nov. 28 falls in between Black Friday and Cyber Monday and is a day dedicated to supporting local businesses. Christmas promotions available, said Dawson Brunswick, McCook Area Chamber of Commerce director.

Brunswick said the day reminds people of what keeps a city going. Small businesses are always donating to youth sports, churches and non-profits, creating jobs and bolstering community identity. On average, for every dollar spent at a local business, 67 cents stays in the local community.

Two members of the council were absent Monday night, Jared Muehlenkamp and Janet Hepp. In light of the current spike of coronavirus cases in the community, chairs for the public were spaced at least six feet apart and everyone inside council chambers wore masks.

From the consent agenda, the council approved with other items the declaration of abandoned and unclaimed vehicles and property as surplus city property to be disposed of in the appropriate legal manner.

The property comes from the McCook Police Department, the city’s water and waste water plants and the senior center.

The McCook Police Department has secured title to 10 impounded, abandoned and unclaimed vehicles to be declared as surplus property. The department also has additional abandoned, unclaimed and surplus property other than vehicles, such as cameras and tools. Nebraska state law mandates that abandoned and unclaimed surplus property be sold at auction. Proceeds from the auction will go to the City of McCook general fund.

Other consent agenda items approved Monday night were:

-Ratify the Mayor’s appointment to the Senior Citizens Advisory Board - appoint Joe Ryland to replace Gene Meints - term expires September 2023.

-Approve the Operating Assistance Documents for the 5311 Operating Assistance State Fiscal Year 2020-2021 for City of McCook McCook Transit, appoint Beth Siegfried to serve as the Accountable Executive, and authorize the Mayor and Accountable Executive to sign the appropriate documents.

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